Chapter 2

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"Oh for god's sakes"

She utters grabbing the box of tissues from the coffee table and lobbing them at Fletch who was sleeping in her armchair. He jumped out of his sleep and she gave him a sheepish smile before getting out from under the blanket to go to the bathroom.



"Oh thanks..."

Her voice was quiet as she accepted the coffee he was offering, she bit her lip and then slid a couple of slices of bread into the toaster. She wanted to ask why he stayed but she didn't know how.

"I only stayed because I was know, all that medication you were on, mixing with the alcohol"

It caused Jac to pause in her step, how did he know her so well that he knew what she was thinking? She smiled and nodded, in a way she was thankful that he did, she didn't really know why though.

"Can I ask you a question?"

"It depends what it is"

"You know it doesn't matter..."

"Fletch just ask the goddamn question"

She didn't mean to snap and Fletch immediately bit his lip guiltily at the fact he was rambling, she softened her expression and gestured for him to continue.

"Uh well...why is your first instinct to chuck things at me?"

"What sort of question is that?"

He bit his lip, he wanted to ask a question that was probably too deep or meaningful for her right now so he had to switch it up, ask her something that wasn't about her feelings or his for that matter.

"I don't know..."

"You don't know?"

She raised an eyebrow and he just looked at her, she couldn't work his expression out or what it meant, she was unsure if she wanted to know.

"Whats the time?"

"Um...eight...oh god we need to get to work"


"Come in!"

Jac's head shot up at Nicky's presence, she handed her the tablet in her hands and Jac sighed in annoyance. Her head shot up once more as Fletch entered the office, what was this? She hoped that with Fletch being by her deathbed he would have grown some sort of a backbone but he was obviously just using Nicky to soften the blow probably knowing that she wouldn't snap in front of her mentee about her personal life.

"You know what to do McKendrick, you don't need my help with this one"

"Oh ok...yeah of course"

Nicky faltered as Jac narrowed her eyes between the both of them who were standing in front of her. She raised an eyebrow at the now obvious plan Fletch had to get her attention once more without being so outright - get the mentee to fabricate an excuse that he thought would need the both of them.

"You can go"

Jac gestures for Nicky to leave, the glance she made to Fletch on the way out confirmed it. Before Fletch could leave Jac raced to the door and shut it, pulling across the do not disturb sign knowing this could take a while.


"What do you mean?"

"Seriously, Fletch?"

She snorted slightly before sitting back down at her desk with a gentle shake of her head. She looked up at him, raised an eyebrow then looked back at her computer.

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