Chapter 14

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"Fletch around?"

"What are you doing here?"

Nicky pulls a face and Jac just glares at her before rolling her eyes, she points across the ward so Jac nods and sits herself down at the nurse's station. She plucks one of the medical folders from the stack on the side and reads through it.

"Are you even allowed to do that?"

"Dont you have patients to slice open or something?"

"Someone obviously got out of the wrong side of the bed this morning"

Nicky mutters before walking off, Jac just pulls a face before Max frowns at her presence and sits down beside her.

"What are you doing here then?"


She smiles and Max nods slowly watching Fletch walk over to her, Jac gets up and takes his hand and he kisses her softly.

"So can you spare him for an hour or so?"

"Of course, enjoy"

Max nods and Jac smiles at her before looking at Fletch who was grinning from ear to ear like a Cheshire cat.

"Ready to go?"

"Hmm, yeah and dont tell anyone about this, we want to tell the kids first to make sure they're ok with it"

Jac checks with Max who nods before walking off, she sighs and looks at Fletch who was so excited.

"Let's go then"


"Try not to snap"

He whispers into her ear as they enter the small box-like room, Jac rolls her eyes at his comment and sits on the bench not even acknowledging the person who was going to do her scan, instead, she was focussed on Fletch, holding his hand to mainly calm his nerves over hers, she knew she was internalising it all though.

"Jac, look"

Fletch points to the screen and she smiles slightly, he guides her face towards his and they kiss softly before humming gently.

"It's ok"

She lets out a breath she had been holding for some time, he chuckles and holds her hand raising it to her lips to kiss it softly. Their eyes watch as a couple of pictures were printed off so Jac takes them and passes one to him.


He asks her, she hums slightly as she wipes the gel off her tummy/

"Yeah, yeah I am, the happiest I've been for a long time"


"So how are we telling the kids?"

"It's up to you"

"I think we should tell all the younger ones together and then the older ones together like we did before?"

She suggests and Fletch smiles at her in awe, he knew this wasnt easy for her being all family-oriented but it was a new side to her that he was enjoying seeing.

"If thats what you want then we can do that then how about we tell everyone else?"

"There's one of those cringe consultant meetups tonight isnt there?"

"Hmm tell me about it, I haven't been to one since we both went"

"Maybe it's time to gate crash one"


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