Chapter 17

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"You look..."

He trails off and she smiles at him through the mirror, it was his idea to go out which she thought was odd as they had spent more time with each other than they probably ever had done on holiday but they were back now so she was wondering what he was plotting especially with his words of 'hear me out'. So she relented and accepted on a very impromptu date night.

"Borderline heavily pregnant?"

She looks at him and he just laughs at her words and shakes his head wishing she wouldnt beat herself up about it. She really did look amazing, glowing, and she didnt even look that pregnant. He knew she was kidding when she couldn't help but smirk at him, especially the way he placed his hands on her shoulders and ran them down her arms to hold her hands. Leaning forward she kissed him softly on the lips and he brushes a strand of her curled hair behind her ear.

"You're glowing"


She rolls her eyes and Fletch just smiles at her as she gets ready, she was still annoyed with him for not telling her where he was taking her, all he said was to dress in something somewhat practical so she had to search around for a jumpsuit as it was probably much better than a dress.

"Are you ready to go?"

"Hmm yeah, I am"

She smiles and he takes her hand to lead her into the car, he nods at Evie passing him a picnic hamper causing Jac to raise an eyebrow at how she could join the dots together and come to the conclusion that they were going for a picnic of some shape and form.

"I can always drive if you want to have a drink?"

Jac offers with a smirk and Fletch tuts at her knowing she was desperate to find out where they were going and automatically by offering to drive Fletch would have to tell her which he wasnt going to do.

"Nice try Naylor but for the purpose of secrecy I can go without a drink for an evening"

"It was worth a try"


"Why are we here?"

"'ll soon see"

He smiles pulling the car up into the hospital car park, she huffs and gets out of the car and Fletch immediately takes her hand and the picnic hamper and drags her into the hospital and into the elevator, she immediately kisses him before springing apart as Max enters the lift.

"Dont mind me love birds"

"We weren't doing anything"

Jac pulls a face and Max raises her eyebrows before smirking, Jac bites her lip and then looks at Fletch who was mirroring her expression.

"Make sure you keep your hands to yourself and Jac...dont do anything I wouldnt"

Jac's mouth hung open as Max left the elevator, Fletch smirks at her and she couldnt help but laugh before kissing him again, Fletch's spare hand gliding through her curled hair until they reached Darwin. He took her hand and dragged her out of the lift and to the stairs, both of them heading up and Jac wouldnt help but laugh at his idea before letting out a quiet gasp at the fairy lights and blanket already set out on the floor.


"It's just for us, no kids, just us"

"Thank you"

The tears couldnt help but rush to her eyes, he sighs and shakes his head at how overwhelmed she seemed so he gently wiped under her eyes being careful not to ruin her makeup. Gently he guided her to the blanket and they sat down with Jac sitting beside him, she immediately rested her head on his shoulder and he opened the picnic hamper causing her to smile at the bottle of champagne in it.

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