Chapter 3

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A/N: Warning, there's smut

"What's that about?"


Fletch peered over to where Jac was shouting at some innocent nurse, some things never change. He sighed slightly and winced before heading over to where Jac was standing her with her arms crossed, an eyebrow raised and a seething look on her face. He smirked slightly as she caught him in her gaze, it wasnt long before she scurried off to her office leaving Fletch to apologise to the nurse.

"Anyone would think you've had a promotion"

It was Nicky's teasing that warranted a glare from him so she immediately dropped her gaze and scurried off as well, maybe he just had that effect.


"Come in"

She let out an almost miserable sigh, her pen being slammed down onto the table as Fletch entered the office. Shaking her head she picked it up again deeming his presence as unimportant, continuing with her work.

"Is everything ok-"



"Leave me alone"

She mutters and Fletch goes to close the door, she pushes herself away from her desk to leave the room, he takes hold of her hand and she pauses not even tearing her hand away from his grip. Their eyes met and she gulped before he bent down and brushed his lips against hers but a gentle shove from Jac confirmed to him that this wasnt the time and she wasnt ready.

"Jac, I'm sorry"

"So am I"

He watched her walk off after that, in the opposite direction of where she needed to be. Something was eating her up, he knew it was probably him and he felt bad for it. Nicky raised an eyebrow and Fletch pulled a face as he sat down at the nurse's station deciding it was probably best to give Jac space.


"You wanted to see me?"

Her eyes shot up and she offered a small smile, nodding to the space on the stairs beside her Fletch took a seat. He put his hand on her leg and she placed hers on top of his, an apologetic look on her face for what happened before but he understood that she was confused and that this was probably too soon for her after everything she had been through.

"Life's not fair"

"I know"

He didnt really know what else to say apart from that, he didnt want to risk her snapping at him as it was the last thing he wanted. It was when she looked at him with a soft smile, it was obvious she was trying to decode everything that happened the last few days between them, it must have been very confusing.

"I almost died"

"I'm here, for whatever you need"

"I just need you"

She smiled and he smiled at her as she leaned her head against his shoulder. He was holding one of her hands in both of his, he drops a kiss onto her head and she squeezed him that bit tighter.

"Speak to me"

He tries and she just drops her gaze, removing her hand from both of his, he brushed a strand on hair behind her ear and she looked up at him and gently brushed her lips against his, she does it again, and then again. He smiles into her lips and she moves her hand to his neck, her thumb brushing his skin as they continue to kiss. Fletch wiped away a stray tear from her cheek. She shakes her head and he pulls away scared of pushing too far and she shakes her head again before pressing her lips against his, her hand gliding to the back of his neck pushing his face that bit closer to hers.

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