Chapter 18

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"Can you stop staring at me?"

She mumbles into the softness of the fancy hotel pillows and Fletch just snorts at her, she was splayed out in the massive king-sized bed, the linen covering a portion of her body with her legs laid bare and her chest covered by the way she was laying halfway between being flat on her front and being on her side. The sunlight was streaming through the windows onto the sheets and she hummed appreciatively at it whilst Fletch smiled at her from where he was drying his hair with a towel.

"I love you so no"

"Worth a try"

Her words were tired, they didnt really get much sleep last night as they spent the majority of the time talking and making up for lost time. It got to around three in the morning when Jac finally fell asleep right on top of Fletch's body so he just let her sleep there if she was comfortable as her needs were more important than his.

"You have the day off today I assume?"

"I have the entire day off to spend with you"


She was being sarcastic and he knew it, gently he sat on the edge of the bed and pulled her hair away from her face so he could admire her, she smiled up at him and then sat up pulling the remains of the duvet with her. Frowning softly he smiled sympathetically at her look of discomfort which quickly became a look of annoyance so Fletch moved around to the other side of the bed to rub her back knowing she looked comfortable in the position she was in before.

"Thanks, I should pay you"

"You being my fiancée is enough payment"

"Say that again and I'll hurl on you and it won't be your child causing it"

He couldnt help but laugh at her words but he could tell she was enjoying this back massage a bit too much so he gently helped her sit up and slid behind her body so she was resting between his legs. To his surprise, she let him rest his hand across her tummy and tilted her head to the side so he kissed the side of her head.

"Are you looking forward to finding out the gender?"

"I guarantee I'll figure it out before you"

"Well yes you probably will"

He rolls his eyes and she laughs slightly before raising her eyebrows causing Fletch to laugh softly. Her eyes were drooping shut again out of tiredness, he knew she was being wiped out by their baby so he gently continued to rub his hand over her back knowing she would be grateful for another couple of hour's rest.


"You go to sleep"

He whispers into her head and she just turns around in his arms so she was more comfortable, she sighs and opens her eyes to look up at him, he goes to rub her back gently and she just scrunches her face up.

"Can we go home?"

"We can do whatever you want to do, I was going to take you out but if you're not feeling up to it thats fine"

"I'm sorry"

"It's ok. Are you not feeling great?"

He asks her and she just turns her head towards him, pressing her face into his skin so he continues to run his hand up and down her back gently as she turns her body around.

"I dont know, I just feel...I dont know..."

"Hey, we'll go at your pace, it's ok"

"Mm thats why I love you"


"We're home!"

Fletch calls but it was obvious no one was in with the kids being at school and the eldest two out somewhere or other. Gently he guides Jac over to the sofa to get her settled on there before heading into the freezer and pulling out a tub of ice cream and two spoons for them.

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