Chapter 31

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He had never seen anything so beautiful in his life, Jac holding a baby, it was just magical, weird but in a good way. The way her eyes were constantly scanning over their daughter was adorable and cute - not that he would ever say those words to her. Jac hadn't put her down yet, she was just enjoying holding her and getting to know her with Fletch being there.

"Do you want to cut the cord Fletch?"

Derwood asks bringing him out of his thoughts, he nods and cuts between the two clamps causing the baby to let out a wail but she was instantly settled by her mother.

"Do you want me to make her a bottle?"

Fletch asks and Jac looks down at her baby knowing she was probably hungry, she sighs and frowns slightly before adjusting her daughter and guiding her towards her chest in utter focus.

"If you position her slightly under..."

Derwood suggests but stops as soon as Jac figures it out, she looks up at Fletch who smiles down at them both. Their lips meet and he runs his fingers through her hair until there was a knock at the door. Jac turns to look to the door as Derwood opens it seeing Mo standing there with a small smile.

"Everything ok?"


Fletch looks up at her as she looks at them both engrossed in the baby, he reaches out and strokes the back of his finger over his daughter's head softly before allowing her to grip his finger with her hand, that was something he would never forget.


"Well everything is how it should be after I checked you over and stitched you up"


Jac says quietly continuing to look down at her daughter, she shuddered slightly at how odd it felt and at this new side to her. She was glad that they both got a clean bill of health.

"Shall we head off then...get this equipment back to Holby?"

Mo suggests and Derwood nods with a small smile, Jac looks up at them both before looking back down at her daughter who was resting peacefully against her chest, a blanket draped over her body.

"I'll show you out, will you be ok here?"


Jac nods and looks down at her daughter again, she smiles slightly and traces her finger up and down her baby's arm knowing their lives had really just changed forever.


"Nice highly caffeinated coffee for you"

"Hmm you know how to treat me"

She smiles as he sits down beside her, he was obsessed with her just being a mum, seeing all those walls fall down as she tended to their little girl.

"I'm going to have a shower, are you ok watching her?"

"Of course, I'll put her in one of those sleepsuits as well"

He says and she nods passing the baby over to him and then sliding out of bed and wincing slightly as she pads to the bathroom, he looks down at the baby in his arms to admire her features, she was just perfect, everything about her was perfect. It was the way she pulled up her tiny legs to her chest as if she was still in the womb as he prepared her clothes for the rest of the night.

"Is she ok?"

His head spun around and he smiled as he continued to dress the baby, she walks over to him and peered into the cot, she looks up at him and he looks at her, their lips naturally connecting before both of their gazes drop to their daughter.

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