Ch 3 Rotisserie Boar

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Before Liz could think of anything else to say, her stomach rumbled, causing Jin to laugh. She quickly pulled her hand out of his and crossed both arms over her tummy while shooting him a playful glair, in an attempt to cover up her embarrassment.

"What? I haven't eaten since this morning."

"I'll go hunt. This area is my territory and no one knows you're here, so you should be safe. Stay here, I'll be back soon." He said with a grave but resolute expression on his face before he stood and removed his leather skirt. Liz's face flushed again from the surprise exposure, a smirk rose on Jin's lips before he transformed into his gigantic white tiger form. Liz couldn't help herself from staring in wide eyed amazement at his beauty. Their eyes locked as he took a single step, nearly closing the distance between them, than leaned down and rubbed his fluffy cheek against hers. He licked her face and before she could react Jin quickly disappeared into the forest, she laughed softly while rubbing her cheek, still feeling the prickly sensation.

Liz entertained herself by stoking the fire and rifling through her small clutch purse, all she has is her ID, some credit cards, some makeup, a foldable brush, a small compact mirror and some condoms. She sighed in defeat as her mind took another dirty turn, her thoughts wandered back to Jin or more specifically his half engorged manhood and she knew there's no way his massive meat would fit into the condoms even though a couple were plus sized... Ya know, just in case... Then she wondered if his huge dick would even fit inside her... A blush crept over her face as she imagined how his perfectly muscled body rippled as he moved. How those strong muscular arms felt wrapped around her waist or how those calloused fingers touched her hand... Liz's body heated and tingled, but she shook away the thought, 'No, he's not interested in me... No, I wouldn't be that lucky.'

After only about 20 minutes Jin returned with a large black boar hanging from his mouth. He pranced over to her with a proud glint in his eyes and dropped his dead pray on the ground in front of her.

"Wow great job Jin! That was so fast, your amazing!" She exclaimed clapping her hands together, Jin's eyes lit up at her praise and he stepped closer, "No sir, don't you even think about licking me! You have blood all over your mouth. Take yourself and your pray to the water, get cleaned up and prepare it for cooking, please." Jin's eyes turned sad for a moment, but he also looked confused so Liz explained. "Can you take it's skin and fur off, remove the guts and wash it in the river for me?" She asked in a begging childish way with her hands clasped next to her face while she fluttered her eyelashes and gave a begging look. The white tiger puffed out his chest looking proud and regal, nodded his head, grabbed the boar again and disappearing back into the darkness.

Since she was now dry and warm, Liz figure she'd have a little time before he returned and seeing how considerate and hardworking Jin is, she didn't want to be a completely useless mooch so she bravely ventured into the surrounding partial darkness, hunting for some good strong Y shaped branches to make a rotisserie out of. After finding two perfect branches Liz turned to head back to the fire, only to run face first into a large rock solid bare chest. She dropped the branches from the surprise and held her now sore nose, she looked up to see Jin's once again heated face. Her heart leaped into her throat at the fire burning in his crystal blue eyes as they raked up and down her body, a shiver erupted over her skin and in the blink of an eye his arms wrap around her, pressing her against his chest. His head hung low into her neck as he took in deep breaths, before Liz felt his warm nose trace a line up from her collarbone to the base of her ear, where he growled low and deep in his throat.

"Jin?" She whispered with a gasped breath, causing his hole body to freeze in place for a moment, before he stood back up and looked down into her large green eyes. Jin was so worried while he was hunting that Liz would disappear before he returned, he was ecstatic to find her sitting where he'd left her, he didn't even mind the poorly masked disgusted look she had because of the blood, but when he returned from cleaning the meat like she requested and found her gone, he had a panic attack.

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