Ch 23 Guardian or Beast Pet?

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Days passed and Jin's injuries completely healed, while Liz's feet and legs still had a few scabbed over scratches left, she was completely jealous of his enhanced healing ability, at least thankfully the bruises she had were already healed and that was thanks to the medicine Hank sent over that Beau massaged over her injuries every night. Jin was jealous the first time and wanted to be the one rubbing her feet, but Beau protested saying he's the healer, they nearly got into a fist fight until Liz stepped in.

Though the two still argued practically every day, fighting over who'd do what and when for Liz, they did work together when it was necessary for taking care of her. For example every day they'd carry the huge stone bathtub in and out of the cave, that's not to mention the fact that it was still full of water when they'd carry it back out. It hurt her back just thinking about it, but they never once complained.

Liz did have some ideas on how they could possibly make piping out of bamboo, she wasn't exactly sure if it'd actually work for indoor plumbing, but she was at least confident it'd work to drain the tub... Or at least that's what Liz had been thinking about when she was happily soaking a few minutes ago, but now that she was finished, dressed and headed out of the cave she overheard them arguing... again.

"You won't chaise me away. She still needs a healer." Beau boasted.

"You can't keep hiding behind your title to stay by her side." Jin growled.

"Who's hiding!" Beau practically hissed as his heckles rose defensively.

"You're afraid to pursue her properly. You know she'll never..." Jin's words died in his throat as he noticed Liz eavesdropping on their conversation, both males looked right at her hiding just inside the caves entrance. Jin smiled at her dotingly, while Beau had a wide eyed shocked expression on his face, his lips pulled down into a tight frown and all the color drained from his cheeks, before he shifted into his giant fox form and rushed away. Jin only spared a moment to glare at Beau's bouncing tail as he quickly retreated, then he approached Liz who was clearly frozen in surprise.

Liz was shocked into embarrassment! She hadn't let herself consider the possibility that Beau liked her, she was still under the impression he felt indebted to her for the bruise that was no longer existent on her arm. She was pulled from her thoughts as Jin wrapped his massive arms around her, lifted her to his chest and nuzzled into her hair affectionately.

Liz decided this was something they had to have a conversation about, not that she's trying to deny their customs, because she did understand and trust their knowledge of the dangers of this world and the reason for multiple mates, but it's still an odd concept for a monogamous human woman uhh female to accept.

"I'm not trying to make a fuss... and I trust that you know this world's dangerous better than me, but it's... I... I'm not that kind of woman. I've never cheated on anyone, ever! That was always a no-no for me, something I could never and would never do... My mom cheated on my dad and it ruined our family. They stayed together for me, but... It was never the same... I think they resented me for it." She explained her sad family history in a panicked rush that nearly had her hyperventilating, until Jin cupped the back of her head, forcing her to meet his worried eyes.

"Breath, my Love. Breath. You accepting males won't ruin our family, it would only strengthen it. But if it makes you feel bad you don't have to accept anyone as a mate." Jin reassured trying to calm Liz back down. "That dumb fox healer can just be your guardian." Jin decided.

"Guardian?" Liz questioned. "Is that like a body guard?"

"A guardian is a male who devotes his life to protecting a female, even if she never accepts him as a mate."

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