Ch 45 Dissatisfaction

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"I bet he escaped so he could mate my female! He already snatched her out from under me! I should have killed him when I had the chance! This is all his fault! I should have killed him! Killed him! Kill him! Kill him!" Zephyr wailed as his bloody claws connected with the stone wall again and again, making rubble fly in every direction.

"You know it can't be his fault. He's my special cub. So strong and talented. Your brother. My Keph..."

"Don't say his name! He betrayed me! He took my mate!" Zephyr roared as he spun on his mother with a savagely deranged look on his face and Tabby's males growled at his disrespect, they really couldn't understand why Tabby allowed this mentally unstable male to stay in the tribe, though they all knew of and despised the special treatment she gave her two favorite cubs.

"No. No. My cub. It's her. That female... Your female is devious. She must have seduced him. Yes. It's her fault. I bet she even sent her mates to capture him." Tabby reasoned out, honestly just as much for herself as it was trying to dissuade Zephyr.

"I should have killed him for taking my mate away! Now he's going to be with her and I can't!" Zephyr yelled in another uncontrolled fit of rage as he swung his fist into the wall narrowly missing Tabby with flying debris that her males blocked, they growled at him again but were ignored, even by Tabby as she continued her conversation like they weren't even there.

"He's just confused, my cub. That wicked female tricked him and seduced him just like she did you." Tabby gently coaxed in a soothing tone. "When we find her and bring her back, we'll make sure she can never be taken away again. She will give you many beautiful and strong cubs. That ugly scarred tiger will die... I'm sure he's responsible for killing my mate." She muttered and stroked the place on her shoulder where Kinkade's mark used to be. "Once you're satisfied and she's given you a litter or two, hopefully a female... You will share her with your brother." As soon as the words left her lips Zephyr turned on her with a deranged snarl.

"He took her before! He'll try to take her again! But not if I kill him first..." His eyes glowed with insanity and killing intent.

"Calm yourself cub. He won't take her again. He wouldn't do that to you... To me. Not once we have them back. When you're her only mate's, he'll do what's best for the family, like mother's good cub. You're my good strong cubs."

"Only mate... Only mine... My mate... My female... All for me..." Zephyr repeated in a daze as the twisted fantasy of having her all to himself again played out in his mind, his lips quirked up into a demented smile and his body began to react with arousal.

Tabby was satisfied with his reaction and left him there, while she followed the scent of cooking meat out of her cave, there was an underlying lingering burnt smell permeating the area, but she ignored that as this was the closest she's smelt to Liz's cooking since Kinkade failed her by letting himself be killed. Yes she wanted to get revenge for his death, but she was also angry at him and blamed him for dying, like really how dare he...

Before everything went down, Kinkade had spied on Liz enough that he figured out how to make a fire and cook meat, though it still wasn't nearly as good as Liz's, since he really didn't know what proportions or herbs she was using, but it was a treat for Tabby and something he was able to use to gain extra favor with her. Unfortunately Kinkade was stingy with his knowledge and refused to share, so in the end he took his mediocre cooking skills to the grave, which in turn upset Tabby but created an opening for her other mates to try and impress...

It was simply an accident that allowed one of her mates to ignite a fire and in his excitement he nearly smothered it several times, then turned around and over fed it, causing a small wildfire, which was only extinguished by sheer luck, when it ran out of dead grass to burn. Unfortunately all the smoke caused a panic in the tribe, as everyone thought the flame demon had come to kill them, several males got injured as they fled in terror, two of Tabby's males got burned and so did several unmated males, one unmated male even got trampled in the chaos. But did that deter Tabby's attention seeking males? No. Of course not even in the slightest. The fools even fought over the right to attempt to use it to cook... Attempt is the key word here, because unfortunately they weren't very skilled and ruined a lot of meat in their attempts.

Tabby walked out of her cave and frowned at the hideous sight of the burnt land surrounding her home, she had been avoiding coming out here for days but she was getting hungry and the scent was inticing. Her frown only deepened as she set her gaze on the male making that mouthwatering smell. On the other hand Chief Leon felt sweat trickle down his forehead and his skin prickled with the urge to flee, he knew his mates intense gaze wasn't a good thing and he hoped if he was able to cook some halfway decent meat maybe, just maybe he could appease her anger before he had to tell her he failed to accomplish her latest request...

Lucky for him Tabby really wanted the meat he was cooking, so she had some of her males prepare some furs for her to lounge on while she waited, under the shade of a nearby tree. It was only partially scorched since the fire never actually got hot enough to catch a perfectly healthy huge trunk and didn't get high enough to touch the lowest branches or leafs. Before long Leon brought her over chunks of meat he'd already cut off the bone, it was slightly blackened on the outside and raw in the center but it was mostly cooked and good enough that by human standards it would have been considered poorly cooked and rare but still edible.

The flavor wasn't great but better than any they'd managed to make so far, Tabby didn't even wait for Leon to feed it to her, instead she just snatched the meat away from him and ate every bite in a hurry like someone was going to steal it. By the time she finished her hands and mouth were coated in grease, ash and burnt flakes and instead of any form of compliment or thanks all she managed to say was, "Still not as good as Kinkade's." while she sloppily licked the flavor off her fingers.

Most of her other males lingered close by, some held leafs of cut up raw meat or fruit in case she was still hungry, others held different sized stone bowls of water, another item they replicated after seeing Liz use. Tabby held her hands out to either side and her males rushed forward to be the first in position to help clean her up, one washed each hand and another carefully used a small fur to try and clean her face.

When she got sick of their attempts, because the grease wasn't coming off easily, she shooed them, then rinsed her mouth with water and sucked down a bowl of berry lemonade. They were sure to always keep a fresh batch prepared for her since Tabby liked it so much, though unfortunately the area surrounding the tribe had nearly been picked clean of the sweet purple berries, since beastmen really didn't know or understand the concept of restraint, conservation or only taking what you need. Instead all Tabby's mates know is greed and how to take what they want to hopefully give them a better chance of gaining their females favor.

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