Ch 1 Transmigration

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One minute Elizabeth Rayburn, aka Liz for short, was headed out of her apartment, on her way to a Halloween party. Dressed in a floor length white greek goddess dress that came to her knees in the front but dipped down to her ankles in the back, with golden bands around her arms, waist and under her breasts. She carried a small off white clamshell clutch hanging from a thin gold chain, that bumped against her hip and had a maroon embroidered black cloak hanging from her shoulders. Her typically unruly red hair was done half in braids with a golden rope, wrapped around her head like a crown. She was so excited since it had been so long since she'd been able to party, between collage and her part-time jobs, she's been far too busy to relax and enjoy herself and she thought that maybe if she was lucky she'd find herself a boyfriend.

Liz was too distracted, too hasty, going down the stairs too quickly. She stepped on the hem of her dress and the next thing she knew she was falling. Liz saw the ground approaching rapidly, she closed her eyes and stretched out her arms in a futile attempt to catch herself, but it wasn't the ground she collided with, instead Liz found herself submerged in water. She quickly put her feet down and felt pebbles shift under her sandals. Now standing, soaking wet, in a pond of waist deep water, she looked around at a beautiful scenery of trees with the setting sun lighting the sky into shades of gold and pink and a large white tiger standing on the shore, staring right at her, it's crystal blue eyes reflecting brightly off the water. The only thing obscuring his perfect beauty was four deep red scars around its left eye two of which stretched from the top of his head and continued all the way to his jaw.

Liz was mesmerized, 'Did I die when I fell off the stairs? Is this heaven?' She wondered momentarily.

Suddenly the white tiger stepped into the water and steadily approached, Liz knew she should be afraid but she wasn't, though her heart was beating wildly in her chest. The scars made him look feral, but she didn't feel like she was in danger or that his body language was aggressive.

'Besides if I'm already dead it's not like I can die twice, right? Maybe it's my spirit animal or something?'

The white tiger stopped just in front of her and bent its head down to stare her right in the eyes, Liz is 5'4 and he's taller than her by at least a foot or so. His fur looks so soft, she wondered if she could touch him, Liz slowly raised her hand, extending it towards him, the expression in his eyes suddenly changed. Instinctively she pulled her hand back, only for his expression to change again, this time his ears folded back and he had a sad look in his eyes, before he turned his head away.

'It's so cute', Liz thought, she just couldn't help herself and the next thing she knew her fingers were running through his fur, she was right it was extremely soft. Slowly he turned back to look at her and to her relief he didn't look like he was angry or wanted to bite her, he looked happy and surprised, it made her heart flutter, causing her to smile uncontrollably.

"You have beautiful fur, did you know that?" Liz couldn't help talking to him and it almost seemed like he understood because his eyes lit up and he licked her cheek. Liz laughed and pushed against his fluffy soft cheek. "Ah what are you doing? It feels like sandpaper!" It didn't really hurt that bad, but he stopped licking her and rubbed his furry face against hers. Liz wrapped her other hand around his neck and gently scratched behind his ear and like the big cat he is, he started purring, only it was a deeper stronger rumble that reverberated through her.

The wind blew across the water, causing a shiver of cold to wash over Liz's soaking wet body. The white tiger looked at her as if understanding she was cold, in the next second Liz watched as the beautiful white tiger transformed into a huge handsome man with white cat ears and a white and black striped tail.

'What the hell! Are you fucking serious?!?!' Liz screamed in her mind as she stared at the sexy, muscular, naked man! With three white stripes across his chiseled cheeks two on one side one on the other, the scars around his left eye stood out prominently against his tanned skin giving him that wild and feral look. His beautiful long white hair hung past his shoulders to the middle of his back, it looked soft and thick and she wondered what it would feel like to run her fingers through it. Then their gazes finally met his blue eyes seemed more dangerous now, as if they were piercing right through her, Liz craned her neck to look up at him, he had to be over 7 feet tall. Liz's breath caught in her throat and she felt frozen, unable to react as he scooped her up in his arms, lifting her out of the water with ease. Instinctively her hands clung to his shoulders, their faces were so close to each other, he's so handsome Liz's heart felt like it was going to explode out of her chest and his body radiated so much heat that it soaked into her, till she no longer felt the cold chill of the air.

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