Ch 31 Tairen

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When Liz came to it was dark, so dark she couldn't see her hand in front of her face and when she tried her hand came in contact with a cold hard stone-ish material that was above her, though she couldn't identify what it is. She thought for a terrible moment everything that had happened to her had been a dream, was she still trapped with Zephyr? Or perhaps she had hit her head when she had fallen off the stairs and dreamt everything that has happened, now they were burying her because they thought she was dead.

"No... No... Please... I'm not dead... Please! Let me out!!! I'm not dead!!! Someone please help me!" She screamed hysterically while desperately banging against her enclosure, despite the pain radiating through her body, until she felt the soft cool mattress she was laying on began to move beneath her.

"Hush little female. You're not dead. You're safe. It's ok." An unfamiliar gravelly male voice spoke. Fear and relief circled inside her, he called her female, he's a beastman, so everything wasn't a dream... But who is this male?

"Wh... Who are you? Wh... What happened? Where am I?" She asked nervously.

"I'm Tairen. Your safe. No one can hurt you under my shell."

"Un... Under... Your... Sh... Shell?" Liz asked dumbfounded. "Uh... Wh... What are you?"

"Hmm... I'm a turtle beastman. What race are you? Definitely not a water beast female sense your warm blooded."

"W... Water beast? Um No. I'm not... I'm... I.... I want to get out! Please... Please let me out." Liz began to panic as her claustrophobia kicked into gear.

"I can't, little female." He said flatly and Liz tensed.

"Wh... Why not?" She asked in a small scared little voice as her breathing became erratic and labored.

"You're injured so I'm taking you to a land tribe to find a healer. I move faster in the water and it's dangerous to travel on land... Female? Female?" Tairen tried to explain but Liz was already hyperventilating because of her extreme fear, pain and lack of energy, which all overwhelmed her until she passed out.

Tairen's heart hurt for the poor little female, this was the worst thing he'd seen in his extremely long life and that's saying a lot because once when he was much younger he'd spent the better part of a hot season spying on a snake Beastman who'd rescued a lamb female from a pack of wolf beastmen, who'd captured her from her village in the Frozen Mountains, at least that's what he'd overheard and learned about her before he'd lost interest in becoming one of her mates.

Just like with this female he'd felt bad for the lamb female, but she'd switched from fear and tears to seducing the snake male so quickly it had surprised him. Then after her and the snake spent days mating the female did nothing but yell, scream and complain, plus she constantly threatened to reject his mate mark. Eventually the pair was discovered by some rabbit beastmen, the snake killed three but one got away. A day or so later more rabbits returned but this time they teamed up with some fox beastmen and together they "rescued" the female from the feral snake beastman, with help from the female because halfway through the fight she rejected the snakes mate mark, which is what ultimately cost him the battle and his life.

Several years later Tairen came back to the area to find that the rabbits and foxes had joined together to form the River's Bend Tribe and made their homes in burrows and caves they dug into the side of the two hills that budded up to the rivers bend, hence the tribes name. Throughout the decades no matter how far he traveled Tairen always found himself passing back through the area and secretly checking up on the tribe's progress.

*Liz stirred feeling her bare skin prickle from a crisp cool breeze while it also tingled under the warmth of the sun, she cracked her eyes open just in time to see a shadowy silhouette hovering over her. Liz screamed and tried to scramble away but her body protested with a stiff soreness that radiated through every muscle.

"Your safe female. Don't be afraid. I brought you to the land tribe to find a healer like I said I would." Explained the gravelly voiced male and Liz stared up at him blinking for a long moment before her memory began to click things into place.

"Th... T... Turtle. Beastman?" She stuttered past her hoarse throat.

"Yes." He answered and waited for her next reaction, but now that her eyes were adjusting to the light Liz was taking in the sight of this unique beastman. He's stockier built than the other males she's seen, his green hair is short on the top but appeared shaved on the sides and is covered with rough patches of leathery slightly spiky skin. His hair has yellow highlights streaking through it and three small braids on the right side; one green, one black, one yellow, which pops against the gray green tint of his skin. He has dark obsidian eyes and on each side of his face he has a dark crimson stripe that runs from the corner of his eyes all the way to his jawbone. On his neck are four yellow stripes revealing him to be a terra marked beastman. And he has a plate covering his torso on both his front and back that kind of make him look like he's wearing a form fitting armor plated unitard.

Unfortunately Liz's wandering/curious appraisal of this new male was interrupted by a series of growls and shouts that rang out from the males of the tribe.

"Everyone come quick! A ferals taken a female!"

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