Ch 22 Serena's Back Story

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Tabby was so excited when she found out she was having a female cub, but like most females the closer it got to the delivery the more nervous and erratic she became, still her family was happy. Unfortunately when her cub was born as an impure female, Tabby lost it and completely rejected her own child,  not even giving her a name.

Leon didn't want anyone knowing their shame, that Tabby was incapable/unwilling to care for her own female cub, so they snuck in pregnant wild beasts to feed the little female milk. Though it was a disgraceful act none of the males would force Tabby to care for the cub especially not after witnessing the pain Tabby suffered during labor, so they kind of blamed and hated the little female for it too.

A few months later, the new little cub was growing fast and she had already learned to crawl, which was actually much faster than other female cubs, but this was really because of the fact that hardly any of the males in the family would hold her. Her biological father, Soren, younger brother of Leon and second strongest in the tribe before Jin gained his stripes, was her only real caregiver and although he'd fallen out of favor with Tabby he was happy enough to care for his female cub.

Unfortunately one day while Soren was outside the cave preparing meat for his cub, the little female crawled out into the wrong part of the den and right into the path of the person who seemed to loath her existence since the first moment the child was born.

Tabby watched as the little cub crawled across the floor, her little orange and black striped tail swaying behind her as she went. The longer Tabby watched the cub the more her emotions bubbled up; anxiety, disgust, disappointment.

A hateful voice echoed in her mind, "What good is an impure female to me!.. Just an embarrassment... Should have been like her..." Tabby shook her head violently, tears welled in her eyes and shame overwhelmed her until she lost her senses and lashed out.

The male's came running when they heard an earsplitting scream that echoed through the cave and nearly half way across the tribe. The metallic scent of blood hit their noses before they saw the horrific scene of the little female cub writhing on the ground in a pool of blood, screaming and crying, with Tabby standing over her clutching the cub's severed tail in one hand, while the clawed nails of the other dripped with blood.

"I... I can't have an impure female cub... I wouldn't... I couldn't... I. I. I..." Tabby stuttered shocked by her own actions and froze until Leon rushed to her, knocking the bloody stump out of her hand and cradled her just in time as Tabby crumbled into body wrenching sobs.

"No! My cub!" Soren roared as he rushed past his wailing mate and knelt to cradle his daughter. He tried to take her out of the cave, his only thought was of getting her to a healer, no matter how far they had to go since their tribe didn't have a healer yet.

"Stop! No! They can't see her! No!" Tabby yelled while pitifully reaching out for Soren, he glanced at her once over his shoulder with a torn expression. Soren loved his mate but he couldn't accept what she'd just done to their cub. In the end he turned his back on his mate and ignored her demand... That is until other males in the family blocked his path.

"Leave the cub." One ordered.

"She's injured! She needs a healer!" Soren growled back.

"You would question your female?" Leon asked in a low menacing tone as he released his beast pressure, attempting to force the male into submission.

"She's my cub." Soren growled.

"Ya... You'd choose her over... me..." Tears streaked down Tabby's shocked face, but that quickly contorted into a look of anger and disgust. "No! No! You can't! Your mine! How could you!" She screamed hysterically, fisting her hands in her hair and pulling, the little attempt at self harm shocked the males. Leon quickly held her wrists to stop her, but Tabby turned her claws on him, leaving long bloody scratches across his arms and torso. Other than a few winces when she happened to cut deep Leon didn't react much to the pain while he tried to sooth her and when she'd calmed down a fraction she turned a hateful glare on Soren. He met her gaze with an expression of pity and regret, unfortunately that only angered Tabby more. "Hate you!" She screamed and pulled away from Leon long enough to claw at a spousal mark on her side.

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