Ch 16 Fox Beastman

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Beau, a healer from the Rivers Bend Tribe, third born in his litter, son of Jamina. He had come to trade rare herbs with Hank. The only problem with Beau is that he has no fondness for females after his father was ruthlessly cast out by his mother. He'd fallen out of favor for ripping her fancy rare dress she received from her goat beastman mate, nothing he did was good enough to make up for his transgression and he willingly gave up his life to be eaten by her that cold season as atonement. Or at least that's what he believes...

After he was carelessly run into, for a few long moments Beau was enchanted by Liz's beauty, but then he saw the medicine she was taking, his eyes squinted into a glare and his fingers that were holding her bicep flexed until she squealed in pain.

"Ow, stop it. Your hurting me." Liz gasped as she grabbed his wrist but was unable to pry his hand off.

"I have no care for your pain, thief. You think I would go easy on you because your a female."

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to steal, but Hank isn't here and Jin is..."

"You didn't mean to steal. But that's exactly what you're doing and you think it's ok just because your a female and Hank isn't here!" Beau roared in her face.

"I said I was sorry!" Liz screamed as angry tears welled in her eyes. "I... I swear I'll pay Hank back for what I took, but I have to save my mate!"

Though Beau had no idea what 'sorry' meant, he was surprised that the pretty little female seemed to be admitting her wrong and was apparently so worried over her mate, it left him at a loss for words, he also couldn't understand why she would be here alone. 'Where are her other mates?' he wondered as he looked over her body, her fur skirt and fair skin was stained with blood, her feet were dirty and cut from moving around on her own, but what surprised him was that he only saw a single mate mark. He couldn't believe this little female was doing all of this for a male, what female would? They were all greedy and selfish. So he hatched a plan in his mind, he would let her go but follow at a distance to catch her in her lie, then punish her.

"Ok female, I'll let you go for now." Beau said with a smirk on his thin lips, as he released her arm. Liz stumbled back a few steps but remained standing and looked up at him with thankful eyes, as she rubbed her sore arm, but then she diverted her attention and gathered the roots off the ground, before looking back in his eyes with determination.

"Thank you. I promise I'll make it right with Hank." She said with a nod, then turned and ran back towards Jin's territory, Beau watched her curiously, 'What a strange little female.' he thought, he knew females were weak pitiful creatures who cry over the smallest thing, but here she was her feet obviously injured but she didn't seem to care in the slightest.

Beau was surprised again to see a few males following her at a distance, not surprised that she had pursuers but that none of them approached or offered her help, they all just moved in she shadows watching her with hurt looks on their faces. 'Did she reject them?' He watched other males acting true to form, as soon as they saw her their eyes sparkled, they dropped whatever they were doing and ran to her like sheep.

All the male's hearts were breaking seeing her struggle, running on her own injured feet, but no matter how many offered her help she never stopped running and yelled at them to move out of her way or just ignored them completely. Beau followed secretly behind the other males that were following her, when she crossed into Jin's territory the males stopped at the boarder, but Beau went around them and continued following her.

Jin was still where Liz had left him when she returned, which actually worried her more, but she quickly got to work. First she lit a fire, then tried to move the stone pot but couldn't lift it, so she used the best tool she has, her head and used stones and a branch to make a fulcrum to lift half of the pot at a time until she could slide stones under it to hold it up. She scratched up her arms, hands and shoulders but brushed it off like it was nothing. After that she put water in the stone pot and carefully moved the fire under it, while that was coming to a boil she cleaned, skinned and ground the ginger and garlic and added the lemon juice.

Once everything was ready Liz went into the cave and got the fish bone needle, but didn't know what to use as thread, so far everything they'd sown they'd used strips of hide but Liz knew that would be too thick to use as stitches, but then it hit her and she ran back to Jin. She tore her dress into strips to use as bandages, then she picked at some of the frayed edges and unwove a handful of threads.

In all this time luckily Jin's wounds had already stopped bleeding, the worst of which was three large long deep claw marks running from his shoulder to the bottom of his ribcage and a bad wound on his back leg she could only assume was a bite wound because it looked like someone chewed the back of his thigh like it was bubblegum. Liz was cleaning the blood from around his wounds when she felt him move, lifting his large head to look at her.

"Jin! Your awake!" She exclaimed with a distraught look on her face. "Oh thank God! Are you ok? Does it hurt badly?" She asked in a rush and nearly freaked out when he shifted to his human form, because his wounds instantly looked 100 times worse and began to bleed profusely again. "Ah... Your bleeding! Oh no no, it's ok your going to be ok." Words spewed from her mouth as she panicked and pressed her shreaded dress against his wound to stop the blood flow, while her vision got blurry with unshed tears.

"It's ok, Liz. I'm fine. Don't cry." Jin cooed and cupped the side of her head in his massive hand.

"Your not fine! Don't L... Lie..." She hiccuped while fighting back the tears.

"Ok, I'm not fine. But don't cry." He said trying to pacify her.

"Who's crying!" She glared at him with the tears shining in her eyes, her face and nose glowing red and her pink lips puckered in rebellion. She was so cute Jin couldn't help it and his lips twitched up into a small doting smile, he was so handsome Liz nearly forgot herself and her face flushed before she remembered he's still badly hurt. "Y... You might not be fine but you will be. I brought the... Uh... Medicine Hank used last time on me... But I don't know what to give you for pain... Hmm. Maybe I should go try to find him again..." Liz rambled out her thoughts and was about to rise to her feet but Jin grabbed her hands and pulled her back to him.

"I don't need anything for pain." Jin said, more worried about keeping her close than his own pain level, but Liz was looking at him like he'd just lost his mind.

"What? Are you planning to just grit your teeth and bear it?" She looked into his eyes with fear in hers that pulled at his heart, he hated to see her scared but was even more unwilling to let her leave his line of sight.

"Yes, I don't need it." He confirmed with nothing but confidence, Liz hmm'ed and haw'ed for a while before coming to the conclusion that she had little choice, she couldn't just leave the gaping wound on his side open, now that he was human she could see a couple of his rib bones.

"Hmf..." She grunted in displeasure. "Fine, but try not to move... And don't say I didn't warn you."

"Ok, I won't." Jin replied contently and Liz rolled her eyes as she got to work stitching him up.

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