Ch 6 Another Female

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Jin pulled out a fur and sat Liz down, he started her a small fire, then left to quickly hunt and gather her tunic and the fruits. Liz sat by the fire lost in thought, randomly throwing in tinder, until a rustling in the bushes caught her attention. She picked up a thicker stick as a potential weapon, but suddenly a short fat bird came trotting out of the shrub. It almost looked like a large chicken with black and brown feathers, with a blueish black beak and feet. As it stepped into the light it kept an eye on Liz, then it started to peck at the grass, Liz was amazed as it's feathers shimmered with a blue tint in the sun.

"Hello, is anyone there?" A female voice called out from the trees. The chicken like bird let out an irritable cluck and flew/glided to the other side of the clearing. "Hello?" The female voice called again.

"Who's there?" Liz called back as she stood up.

A tall stocky woman with short medium brown hair that barely reached her jawline, with two fluffy ears on top of her head, stepped out of the treeline. Wearing a leopard spot skirt, a tube top and had a tiger striped fur hanging off her shoulders. "Hello, my name Serena, can I come speak with you and bring you these." She said with a wide yellow toothed smile as she held up a poorly tied up skin of yellow fruit.

"Ow, thank you. My name is Liz." She replied with a friendly smile as she stepped closer to greet her and Serena's smile grew while she walked closer, but her golden eyes kept scanning the surrounding area, including the cave. "Jin will be back soon, did you need him for something?" Liz asked and watched as Serena breathed a sigh of relief, but then her eyes landed on Liz's face and she gasped, Liz looked at her with concern, "Are you ok?"

"Umm... Ya... Hank told me you just arrived at the tribe, so I thought I'd come and welcome you. I know it can be a little scary coming to a new place, but if you ever need anything I'd be happy if you'd talk to me." Serena announced regaining her composure, as she stopped infront of Liz and handed her the skin.

"Well Thank you... But why were you looking for Jin?" Liz asked a little skeptical.

Serena's expression faded for a moment and she looked around quickly before she leaned in a bit closer, "Are you really going to take him as a mate? Don't you think he's kind of scary? He's not going to try to force you to mate with him is he?" She asked with genuine concern on her face.

Liz breathed a sigh of relief, Serena seemed like an honestly kind person. Liz giggled as a wide grin covered her face, "No he's not scary and Jin would never force me to do anything I don't want to, he isn't that kind of guy. He's been taking really good care of me." Liz felt comfortable now and sat back down, she pat the spot next to her, prompting Serena to join her on the fur. Serena looked a little doubtful of Liz's words but sat beside her.

"So how many mates do you have?" Serena asked.

"How many? Umm none." Liz stated confused.

"None?" Serena screeched, "Have you not gone into heat yet? I mean you look fully grown. What race are you?"

"Umm I was sheltered, I'd never seen one transform until I met Jin, so I don't know what race I am..." Liz explained sheepishly, hoping her lie sounds convincing.

"Well that makes since. I've never met a sheltered female before... Is there anything you want to know? Anything I can help you with?"

"Well how about you tell me about yourself, is Hank your mate?" Liz asked trying to shift the topic.

Serena smiled proudly as she straighted her back and held her head high, "Yes he's one of my mates, I have 12 mates. Hank is an ape beastman, he's the tribes healer and the smartest male I've ever met, even Chief Leon asks for his help with problems sometimes."

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