Ch 12 Choosing Ceremony

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After that all the females were carried off while Liz was carried up the tower and made to stand on the platform at the top of the 4 stories tall structure, with Hank, Chief Leon and Jin.

"Wait here for me." Jin said as he put her down on her feet, but before he could pull away Liz grabbed a hold of his hand.

"Where are you going?" Liz asked not even attempting to hide the anxiety in her tone, Jin smiled at her reliance on him and leaned in next to her ear.

"I'm going to fight for you. I won't let any of them take you away from me. My Liz." He said and kissed her swiftly on the lips before he pushed her into Hanks arms and stepped backwards off the edge of the platform.

"Jin!" Liz yelled in fear as she ran to the edge only to see him land on the ground safely and smirk back up at her before he joined the crowd, where a bunch of other males were glaring and growling at him.

"This is a joyous day!" Chief Leon began in a booming voice. "With the addition of another pure female the Fierce Claw Tribe will be sure to remain as one of the strongest tribes this side of the snow mountains and will continue to prosper. As tradition, only the strongest have the right to gain a females affection, only the strongest are worthy to fight for such a delicate pure beauty."

"Wait. Did he say fight? Who? Why?" Liz asked in bewilderment but was ignored.

"As the female has no mates, guardians or beast father's, I, Chief Leon of the Fierce Claw Tribe, will act as a temporary guardian."

"I, Hank, healer of the Fierce Claw Tribe, will act as a temporary guardian." Hank echoed in a strong clear voice.

"Then let the choosing ceremony begin!" Chief Leon's roar reverberated across the tribe and was joined by countless other roars of excitement, until that noise was drowned out by the sounds of fighting.

Liz watched on in horror as the mob beneath her turned violent and bloody, like the most extreme mosh pit imaginable, only there wasn't even any music driving the chaos.

"I... I don't understand... Wh... Why are they fighting?" She asked with a look of genuine horrification on her face.

"For you." Hank answered confused by her unease. "So they can show you their strength and earn your favor."

"M... My favor... But I can't..." Liz began but was interrupted.

"Would you deny them the right to fight for you? That could cause problems within the tribe, as Chief, I can't allow that." Chief Leon growled impatiently at her.

"It's an honor just to fight for a female, even if you don't choose them. Don't deny their efforts." Hank implored, pleading their case with sincerity that touched Liz and she couldn't find the words to dispute him despite the fact she had no interest in the violence going on beneath her.

The fighting went on for what felt like hours and the number of beastmen left standing had slowly begun to decrease as the mob swarmed the tower. Still fighting the entire way up, throwing each other off as they climbed, only for when they reached the top to have Chief Leon and Hank waiting to fight them and throw them back over the edge.

Unfortunately Jin wasn't the first to reach the top since a lot of males were working together to swarm him all at once, he was beating them but their shear numbers slowed him down. Every single male present saw the way Liz looked at him and knew that as long as Jin was near her they wouldn't have a chance to impress her with their beauty, strength or charms.

What's even more unfortunate is that the males were all covered in blood and wounds, their faces so bruised, swollen and cut from the ruthless fight that they scarred Liz so badly as she tried to back away she twisted her ankle in a groove between the logs and was dangerously close to the edge of the platform. One of the males reached out, grabbed her arm and pulled her into his embrace, the male was elated having her soft little body in his arms, but Liz went ridged as her face and hands came in contact with something warm, wet and sticky...

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