Ch 46 Scoldings

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"Did you find him?" Tabby asked as she swirled her second bowl of berry lemonade around, not even sparing a glance at Chief Leon, as she already suspected she wasn't going to like his answer. After a long moment of awkward silence she finally looked up with her eyes narrowed in a scowl, only to see the look of failure/regret on his face. "Useless!" Tabby screamed in a dramatic fit of rage as she threw the bowl at him, Leon caught it easily but the berry lemonade splashed in his face and dripped down chest. "How hard is it to find one beast! One male! Don't I have what he wants!?!" She screamed hysterically while her face turned red in anger. "Fine!" She seemed to conclude something in her own head and before anyone even had a chance to respond she struggled to her feet, using her males as leverage then bat their hands away as soon as she no longer needed their support, before she stomped back into her cave.

Leon followed a couple yards behind her with his face scrunched into a tight scowl and his shoulders slumped in discontent. Tabby slowly made her way through the dark tunnels, until she rounded a corner and saw one of her males crouched on the ground next to an opening in the wall. Excitement welled up inside the male as he watched her approach, almost like he thought she'd come all the way down her just to see him and praise him for doing the job he was assigned, but to his disappointment Tabby brushed past him without even sparing him the luxury of a glance and entered the isolated, dark and stinky cavern.

The disgusting smell wafted off of a partially eaten antelope type beast that was pushed against one wall and was beginning to rot, but Tabby directed her cold disgust glare at the dirty figure of a female curled up against the opposite wall, staring back at her with wide terrified eyes.

"P... Please Tabby. Please. Let me go..." Serena pled, but Tabby's face only scrunched up in revolution before she crossed the room with aggressive determined steps and tangled her fingers in Serena's hair, making her cry out.

"What is this? Hmm?" Tabby asked as she turned back to look at Leon with madness glowing in her eyes. "If he doesn't want her any more what's the point in keeping her?"

"I'll find him. Don't be angry. He wouldn't have gone far." Leon said in a hard cold tone.

"Lies! Why haven't you found him yet? What's keeping him away? If he cares about this impure female of his so much where is he? I bet he abandoned her too! It's all he can do! Pathetic rootless beast!" Her shrieking scream echoed through the network of tunnels. "Maybe if we remove her beast traits he'll care about her again. Maybe he'll come back! And you can give him these nasty things when you do find him!" Tabby recommended with an eerily deranged giggle as her focus turned and she reached for one of the two round fluffy ears on top of Serena's head.

"Wha... No! Stop!!!" Serena screamed as she tried to block Tabby with one hand, only to feel her skin split as it met Tabby's extended razor sharp claws, but she also grabbed Tabby's wrist with the other hand.

"How dare you! You! An impure female to touch me!" Tabby shrieked and clawed at Serena again, slicing her forearm wide open.

"Ah! Stop! Please!" Serena screamed painfully as she tried to pull away, ignoring the pain in her scalp as some hair was ripped out in her struggle.

"You think you're better! You're just a disgusting impure..."

"Stop it!" Serena cut her off as she barreled forward, right into Tabby, since she couldn't get away, knocking her backwards and off her feet. Lucky, only for Tabby, Leon was right there and caught his mate before she could hit the ground. Unlucky for Serena, Leon didn't take kindly to anyone attempting to injure his mate, justified or not and he momentarily forgot the males unwritten law against harming a female. Without a second thought Leon backhanded Serena with enough force to send her tumbling across the stone floor nearly all the way to the rotting antelope beast.

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