Ch 55 Accusations

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"Noooo! Let me goooo! Let go!" Tabby screamed while clawing at Tairen's hand that had a painfully tight grip on her forearm, to no avail since his skin is too thick for someone as weak as her to even scratch. "Let g... Aaawwwww!" She shrieked as she tripped over some debris, banging her knees harshly on the hard ground. "Wh... Wait! Ah! Aw! Stop! Wait!" Tabby screamed again as she tried in vain to stand when Tairen never stopped walking or even spared a glance in her direction and simply began to drag her across the dirt, dust, rubble and blood covered ground.

Silent tears streamed down Serena's face, she was too afraid to even whimper while being carried under this unknown powerful males arm. She knew he was a feral not only because of his musty reptilian scent with the undertones of a dank river bottom, but also because of the chilling feel of his cold skin where he was touching her. She heard her mates whimper and growl in shame and dissatisfaction as they followed along behind, not physically strong enough to take her back or dumb enough to try and risk her getting injured in the cross fire. Serena was too scared and her vision was too blurred by tears to see properly as they exited the cave, but she felt the temperature difference as the sunlight touched her skin for the first time in days.

"Oh no. Serena." Liz gasped and finally escaped Eryk's embrace with a helpful supporting hand from Beau and a warning withering glare from Tairen accompanied by a small burst of beast pressure.

"L... Liz..." Serena stuttered as she looked up, trying to blink the tears from her eyes. She was slightly relieved hearing Liz's voice but withered and shook in fear as the sob she'd been trying to hold back slipped past her lips.

"Give her to me." Liz said as she made it to them, the frown on Tairen's face deepened slightly since she barely spared him a glance though he only did this for her... Everyone watched with baited breath as he handed the female over. As soon as she was free Serena clung onto Liz and sobbed uncontrollably. "Shhh. You're safe now. It's ok. You're safe." Liz cooed softly while she parted her back and stroked her hair trying to calm her. Murphy stealthfully skirted around Tairen and made it to his mate, he tried to rub her back to comfort her but Serena just shrunk away and cried louder. "Where is Hank?" Liz asked and looked around briefly, but didn't actually wait for a response before instructing Beau to check and treat her wounds.

Tairen watched the scene with an unreadable expression, other than the permanent frown that's etched into his features, the only thing that gives away his mood would be his ever tightening grip on Tabby's arm. It was her irritatingly shrill voice screeching in pain that finally drew Liz's attention, she glanced over Tairen quickly taking in his uninjured, stoic and domineering stature, before her eyes followed his thick muscular arm back to where he had a hold of Tabby's arm and her frown deepened as she watched Tabby using her claws to dig at his hand. She wasn't really capable of injuring him but the constant assault was beginning to leave little scratches on the back of his hand.

"Stop it!" Liz nearly growled as she marched forward and smacked Tabby's hand away, Tairen instantly released her aswell which caused her to fall on her ass since she had been pulling away so fiercely. Any uneasy feelings Tairen had instantly disappeared and was replaced by a heartwarming throb in his chest as Liz grabbed his hand and brushed her fingers over the scratches like she could erace them with some kind of magical power. Of course that didn't happen, they would heal quickly and be gone within minutes but they didn't disappear instantly and while she was distracted staring at his hand Tairen's hard expression was visibly melting into a tender gaze as he watched her with the longing feeling growing inside him.

"You... You mated with a feral!?!" Tabby exclaimed as she quickly staggered back to her feet, with her face contorted in disgust. "Not only that but you brought the beast here to attack us!" She accused, pointing a sharpened dirty claw at Liz.

"We aren't here to attack the tribe. No. Just you. It's over. You're done. I won't allow you to use your authority or your mates position as Chief to abuse anyone any longer." Liz stated resolutely, meeting Tabby's shocked gaze with a challenging glare.

"No! No! It wasn't me! It's a lie!" Tabby exclaimed as she quickly looked around at the rest of the tribe who were watching the confrontation with shock and curiosity. "She... She seduced them! It's her fault! This was her plan all along. To force herself on the best males, cause a panic, separate us, then attack while our strongest males were away." Tabby hastily explained trying to garner sympathy, but her accusations only served to stoke the anger burning inside Liz's gut, she stepped forward, reared back and slapped her across the face so hard it caused her head to whip to the side.

"Shut your filthy mouth, you lying Bitch!" Liz screamed and fisted one hand in the top edge of Tabby's greasy fur tube top. "I did no such fucking thing! How dare you try to turn this on me after what your family did to me! After what your son did..." Liz's voice broke as emotion began clogging her throat. "And you... After everything. You couldn't just leave me alone. No. You had to lie more and send everyone to attack the Rivers Bend Tribe! Not just that but you made a deal with the rootless beasts to give them the females you don't want."

"No! I didn't! I wouldn't! It wasn't me!" Tabby tried to recoil but couldn't because of Liz's hold on her top, so she lashed out, her claws closed in on Liz's face but never actually made contact as Tairen easily blocked the attack with his arm. Despite the fact that she still didn't injure him her actions startled Liz and she immediately released her hold on Tabby in favor of checking Tairen's arm for wounds.

Tabby stumbled backwards but didn't fall this time and used the moment of distraction to flee back into her cave, only she didn't make it far before she froze in fear, finding her tunnels blocked by angry growling males and a certain ebony skinned emerald eyed feline female with a score to settle after loosing her home.

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