Ch 42 The Rivers Bend Tribe

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After removing the mark, Liz felt so much lighter, like a weight she didn't even realize was suffocating her was lifted off her chest. She became even more active and unwilling to simply stay inside and rest, so instead she decided to explore the Rivers Bend Tribe. Beau refused to stay behind and insisted his injuries were well enough for him to at least give her a tour of his home tribe, she disagreed but he was persistent.

Surprisingly the tribe didn't appear as large as Liz thought it would be, infact if there weren't beastmen wandering around all over, the area would look pretty vacant. Besides the healer hut that Liz and her males were currently occupying, most of the other 'structures' (and I'm using that term loosely) looked like mounds of dirt and debris with makeshift wood beems strategically placed to hold the structures up. All looked like they could collapse at any moment, but Beau reassured her that they were more stable than what they appeared and he also explained that they were specifically designed to be easily collapsible in case the tribe was attacked.

That explanation unintentionally reminded Liz of the male we all now know as the deceased Kinkade, when he took her into the underground tunnels, the memory of fear, the pitch black darkness, the taste of dirt coated her mouth and made it difficult to breathe while it filled the air every time he collapsed another tunnel. Just the thought made her shudder as a dreadful feeling rose in her stomach, until Jin's soft growl pulled her back to reality and she forced a smile to dispel the uneasiness she caused before Jin could snatch her up, rush her back and locked her away inside the healers hut. Jin rubbed his cheek against hers and wanted to bury his nose in her neck and hold her, but Liz rubbed his head and pat his cheek reassuringly.

She turned her attention back to Beau, who'd also closed in on her, but he was holding himself back with a confused and wronged expression on his face. What Liz couldn't see was the death glares Beau was receiving from the other two males, sure they didn't know what upset Liz either but Beau was the one speaking so in their opinions he must have said something wrong.

"I'm fine. Tell me more." Liz said trying to reassure him with a tender smile.

"You should rest. There's no need to push yourself." Beau said in a gentle coaxing tone, while he tried futily to cover his sorry expression with a forced smile.

"I'm not pushing myself and I'm not tired." She tried to say but all three males looked at her with doubt, to which Liz sighed and rolled her eyes in slight annoyance while she thought of what to say to move the conversation forward. "So... Everyone here lives in burrows underground?"

"Uh... Yes." Beau confirmed before explaining that The Rivers Bend Tribe is larger than the Fierce Claw Tribe, even if they're a little weaker the Rivers Bend Tribe males have a better survival rate because they work together. They hunt in teams of 2-12, the fox males do most of the hunting while the rabbit males act as scouts or sentries, watching for surprise attacks from ferals or rootless beastmen. It used to be something only males in families would do to up their survival chances, but in the last few decades it's become necessity since the rootless beastmen have become so prominent in the area.

"Which is likely the only reason the Fierce Claw Tribe hasn't attacked us over the years. At least not outright, so there's nothing we can prove." Jamina said as she approached the group with a seemingly welcoming smile, but Liz could see the tension she was trying to hide, while Beau bristled with animosity as his expression soured and his posture turned ridged. Jamina saw his open hostility and immediately refocused her attention on Liz.

Liz tried to continue a light conversation with her but the tension was palpable and stifling, Jamina also tried to hide her discomfort, but quickly excused herself from the uncomfortable situation.

"Why do you hate her so much?" Liz asked with a disapproving scowl and Beau squirmed under her gaze but hesitated to explain.

"She... She killed my father..." He practically whispered with his ears laying flat on his head.

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