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Liz begged, pled, screamed and cried until her throat went horse and eventually she passed out from the rough handling of her body, but even then the male didn't stop until a female voice called out and drew his attention...

"That's enough, Zephyr. You don't want to injure her any more than you already have." Tabby said in a singsong voice as she was led into the cavern by her fox mate, Kinkade. Zephyr looked at them with a glazed over look in his eyes and growled viciously as he crouched over the unconscious, bruised and bloody female beneath him. Kinkade growled back in response and stepped infront of Tabby. "Don't you dare bare your teeth at me!" Tabby screeched effectively snapping Zephyr out of his barbaric mating induced trance, he looked at his mother then Kinkade and finally down to Liz, before his face turned pale.

"I... I didn't mean to hurt her... I... I lost control." He stuttered.

"Shh, my cub. It's alright. I'll talk to her later and I'm sure she'll forgive you... Someday. But the main thing is she's yours now and once she goes into heat she'll give you some strong cubs. Maybe even a pure female cub I can be proud of." Tabby coaxed, her selfish intent obvious with a crazed childlike giddy excitement shining in her eyes. Zephyr looked from Liz to his mother with a broken expression before a weak smile lifted his lips.

"I... I believe in mother... But... Can you make Hank come tend to my female?" Zephyr pled.

"Sure. Sure." Tabby waved her hand disinterested while she thought of the future female cub she truly desired.

"Wouldn't it be difficult to keep him quiet once he finds out she's here?" Kinkade asked and Tabby thought about it.

"Then threaten his female." She shrugged like she didn't just suggest threatening her own flesh and blood.

"What if instead I tell him you've been injured but don't wish to see anyone. I'm sure he'll be busy tending to others in the tribe now that everything's settled down and will gladly hand over some kind of treatment."

"Do as you like. I don't care." Tabby granted permission with complete disregard.

"But what if my mate dies?" Zephyr growled at the fox.

"Then she dies. But I'm not putting my mate in danger for you or your female. When it's your fault she's hurt." Kinkade scolded and Zephyr growled but shrunk away knowing he was no match for the sly well worded fox.

Liz woke hours later shrieking in pain as Zephyr rubbed some sort of herb paste into the bite marks ligning her shoulders and neck. Before she even completely woke up to know what was happening Liz struck out, flailing her arms and legs wildly in an attempt to get away, but it was futile. Liz only managed to make Zephyr drop the herb paste onto the fur before he pinned her down, she tried to scream and since his hands were busy he sealed her mouth with his.

Zephyr relished in the sweet taste of her, but the moment was ruined as Liz harshly bit his bottom lip. He pulled away more surprised than hurt and stared down at her as she turned her head away, tears rolling down her flushed cheeks. He didn't like that he always seemed to hurt and upset her, it wasn't intentional but she didn't appreciate the same things regular females valued, qualities he possessed. He was born strong and handsome and he worked hard to earn his stripes. But she just wasn't giving him a chance to show her his good qualities or at least that's what he told himself.

"Don't be scared I didn't mean to harm you. I won't hurt you any more. Your mine now." He assured as he nuzzled his nose against her damp cheek and got a whimper in response. "Don't be like that. Don't worry I'll take care of you from now on. You'll be safe here and we'll have the most beautiful cubs. You'll never need to leave this cave. I'll bring you everything you could ever want. You like that, right?" The more he talked the more delusional he became, to the point that even her resistant struggles began to excite him as her little naked body squirmed helplessly against his.

"What are you doing, brother?" Kephyr asks standing in the tunnels entrance.

"What are you doing here!?!" Zephyr growled in surprised irritation as he tried to cover Liz from sight, not really in an ashamed way but more like a possessive mate not wanting anyone else to see her.

"I came because I heard mother was injured, but she isn't. So I came to check on you. What have you done?" Kephyr repeated, his heckles slowly rising until he finished his question with a growl building in his chest.

"I... I don't need to answer to you! She's my mate now!" He roared.

"You... You didn't... No..." His lips pulled back into a snarl as he crossed the threshold.

"No! This is my cave! Get out!" Zephyr felt disrespected and lunged for his brother but Kephyr was more than a match for him. Both males had two stripes, but although Kephyr was younger by several years he advanced much faster than other males, which is why he's one of Tabby's favorite sons and why Zephyr took him under his wing.

Though Kephyr never complained about the preferential treatment he often found it annoying, unnecessary and counterproductive to his training, but he never made a fuss about it and risk upsetting his mother because that would in turn anger all of her males and they would make his life miserable.

The brothers fought like life long enemies instead of family, unable/unwilling to keep up the facade of a civil relationship, when this situation is far beyond anything either could tolerate or handle. They clashed with claws and teeth until Kephyr got the upper hand and slung Zephyr head first into the stone wall, knocking him unconscious.

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