Ch 33 Mate Marks

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From Jin's perspective that's exactly what it was, he could feel her reaching out to him through their bond and he could tell she was somewhere safe since she wasn't as scared as she was before. Since she was actively calling for him the pull he felt leading him towards her was much stronger now and with zero hesitation he ran in her direction, eager to find his injured mate.

*A Mating mark gives the spouses a general sense of direction, like Jack Sparrow's compass that points to the thing you desire most, to me this really fits because animals/beasts are controlled by their desires. Which, in my opinion, is also the difference between regular beastmen and feral beastmen. Ferals are known to follow their desires like wild beasts and regular beastmen try to suppress their desires to act more civilized.

The mate bond is only as strong as the feelings that forged it, if they don't have strong feelings for each other then they may not even feel the bond at all, which is usually the case for most females, but it can happen with males too if they didn't desire their mate in the first place, though that's rare because males usually have some sort of feelings for their female. Although if their feelings are strong enough they can feel each others strongest emotions, even without the female touching the mark, but it is difficult and usually unpracticed by females even if they can feel the bond, so it's kind of become a lost knowledge that females are capable of it too, except for the fact that females can call out to their males by touching their mates mark and concentrating on that male.

The female is the only one who can choose to break the bond; by no longer having any love for that male, willing the bond to be severed and cutting the mate mark to bleed it out of her, which shows dedication to the decision. It's only slightly painful for the female compared to the agonizing pain it causes the male, like a rubber band snapping back on him with all the soul crushing power of being flattened by a semi-truck and having it park on your chest... Of course the severity also depends on the emotional attachment; Some die from it, others go insane and become nothing more than ravenous wild beasts, even if there was never any love between them in the first place it likely won't kill them but it's still excruciatingly painful.

A male can't sever the mate bond but he can choose to turn his back on his female, which will cause him a feeling of constant unrest in his heart, body and mind, like the feeling you get when you know you have to be somewhere important at a specific time but your alarm didn't go off so your already late and your GPS can't find the location so you keep driving around in circles and to top everything off there's heavy traffic and construction zones everywhere you turn... That's the feeling.

All in all a male can severely weaken the bond but he cannot break it unless he dies and that is what is excruciatingly painful for a female because she gets that rubber band snapback instead, though it usually isn't quite as severe as for the males because males usually have more feelings for their mate than females. Not that that's true for all of them, but most females feelings just don't run as deep as the males and that stems from males only being able to choose one mate while females need to have many for survival purposes.


It only took Jin just a little more than half a day to reach the Rivers Bend Tribe and that was considered amazingly fast especially when you take into account that it would normally take a male a full day to make the journey from one tribe to the other on account of all the obstacles and dangers there are when passing through the dense forest.

Most males keep an even pace to watch for a potential ambush, but Jin used the power of his newly strengthened beast pressure to clear the path as he ran at a full sprint. His only thought was of reaching Liz as quickly as possible, which means he paid absolutely no attention to the fact that he'd once again left poor Beau in the dust. Luckily Jin was also too distracted to cover or try to hide his path so it was pretty easy to follow...

Unfortunately Beau wasn't the only one easily able to follow his trail...


Just wanted to explain some of my thought processes, I figured it might give some insight on how the people think and operate in my version of a beast world.

I also want to thank everyone for supporting my story. I really hope everyone is enjoying it! And I appreciate all your votes and especially your comments. I'm actually a very reclusive type person and I honestly didn't know I'd love seeing what y'all have to say as much as I do!
It's awesome!!
Y'all are awesome!!!
Thank you very much!!!!

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