Ch 15 Jumped

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Tabby wasn't used to not getting her way, in fact there was only one other female that gave her so much trouble, the female who stole the Fox Chief of the neighboring tribe from her.

(There was a whole thing, Tabby and Jamina grew up as kind of frenemies, Jamina tricked Tabby saying that the Fox Chief would meet her by the river, but when she went to meet him he never showed, on her way back she saw them all over each other and he whisked her away to his tribe without so much as a goodbye to Tabby.)

Zephyr was angry that Jin still wouldn't give any other males the chance to woo Liz and his mother whole heartedly agreed with his ranting and calls of injustice. Tabby helped him band together some single and double striped males, with Zephyr having his second stripe and Kephyr his younger brother that looked like his twin, there is an 18 year age gap but Kephyr already has his second stripe. Together they hoped to teach Jin a lesson...

In the early morning hours, before the first rays of light woke the night sky, a group of 24 males surrounded a worn out and battered Jin, seven of which were Tabby's own sons. Jin had gone for his early morning hunt before Liz woke, he knew no male in the tribe would risk disturbed her sleep and gaining her hatred, it was considered taboo, highly offensive, of a pursuer. He didn't expect so many males to band together outside of the choosing ceremony or a threat to the tribes females. When Jin realized their numbers he tried to get away but Zephyr attacked him from behind severely injuring his leg, so he was stuck forced to fighting off the continuous onslaught of males.

Time passes but Jin never gave up, all the males were heavily injured including himself, when he suddenly felt a strange sensation like a prick in his chest that made his heart hammer in a way that he could only relate to how he felt as a cub when he was running for his life, fear! But it wasn't his fear! No! "Liz!" Jin roared, surprising the other males with a new burst of energy as he broke through their ranks and ran back towards his cave, his mate. The others gave chaise when someone noticed something odd...

"Hey, where's Zephyr?"

*Zephyr had snuck away shortly after his sneak attack on Jin and went to Liz's cave, he stood outside for a few moments listening to her light little snores, thinking what would be the best way to wake her without making her mad. Unfortunately he knew he didn't have enough time to wait for her to awake on her own and every idea he had ended with her rejecting him. Insecurity was a strange emotion Zephyr had never felt before since he was usually so arrogant and overconfident being the strongest, most handsome single male in the tribe, the only one that even came close to matching him was his own younger brother Kephyr, but they planned to share the same female so he didn't worry.

Zephyr couldn't decide what to do and his head was beginning to hurt from overuse, just being this close to Liz and hearing her every breath was distracting. He soon found himself wondering what she looked like while she slept and couldn't resist the temptation to take a peek and he found her snuggled comfortably in her nest, naked but wrapped in furs. Zephyr stood frozen staring at her beauty, until she shifted her body, reaching out with her arms and crinkled her nose in frustration. He thought she'd wake, but Liz only bunched the furs up in her arms, hugging them, buried her face and grumbled incoherently before she dozed back off into a light sleep. Zephyr knew she wanted to hold someone and knew who that someone was, but thought how good it would feel if it was him she desired...

Zephyr's willpower was weak, he didn't even try to resist temptation and crawled right in with her!

Liz felt the warm body lay down beside her and curled into it, nuzzling her face into his hard muscular smooth chest... 'Wait is Jin's chest supposed to be smooth? Where are his scars?' Liz wondered in her half asleep state, she inhaled deeply and instantly froze. The scent that hit her nose was nothing like the earthy minty musk of her Jin, no this scent has a more murky sweetness behind it like a field of lavender in a rainstorm. Liz's eyes burst open and she attempted to push herself away from the unknown male, but he suddenly rolled on top of her, pinning her in place and covered her mouth when she tried to scream.

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