Ch 7 Confession's

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After a few long minutes of Jin happily cuddling and nuzzling Liz they finally separated, Jin went to skin and clean the antelope creature, while Liz busied herself stoked the fire. When he reached the stream he saw Hank waiting there, but he studiously ignored the beastman wanting to return to Liz as quickly as possible.

"I don't understand what a kind, beautiful, young female would like about a stupid unreliable, ugly beast like you." Hank said mockingly with his long arms folded as he leaned against the trunk of a large tree.

"Just because your the healer doesn't mean I won't kill you." Jin threatened as he glared up at him harshly, but continued to clean the meat and hide, Hank ignored his threat and glared back at Jin.

"You wish to say your not stupid, unreliable and ugly?" He questioned in a mocking tone and Jin bared his teeth as they extended dangerously, but Hank continued. "You left the little female unprotected! What if it wasn't my mate who crossed your territory but a stray beast? What could have happened to the little female?" Hank growled then scoffed raining in his anger. "You may be strong but your the most useless male, to not even protect such a precious female properly, when she's giving such a good opportunity to such an ugly male." Hank clicked his teeth in annoyance and watched Jin duck his head in shame knowing he'd done wrong, leaving Liz alone. Seeing Jin admonishing himself Hank felt superior and took the opportunity to berate him as much as possible. Hank crossed his long arms over his puffed out chest and continued. "To not think about this, you surely are a dumb male that she will come to despise soon. What could she possible like about a scared beast like you."

Hank's words did shoot pain straight into Jin's heart, but only for a moment as Liz's words rang in his ears, "I like your scars, they make you look like a badass." Her radiant smile flashed through his mind and he stroked down his scared face almost able to feel her soft little fingers on his skin. It was almost strange how just one sentence from her could make him grateful for something that has ruined his life for so long. Not knowing that Jin's thoughts had taken a positive turn, Hank continued his assault.

"My Serena said that the little female is still to young and was sheltered to the point that she hadn't even seen a male's beast until she met you... How scary for the poor little female..." Hank shook his head in pity, but Jin thought back and remembered her face when she saw him and it was a look of wonder not fear, but Hanks next words quickly changed his mood. "I'll have to inform the rest of the tribe not to show their beasts in front of her so she won't be afraid... How old do you think she is? Do you think she'll go into heat soon?"

"That's no concern of yours! She's my female." Jin growled as he jumped up to his full intimidating height, his canines fully extended.

"What, do you actually think that the female will accept you as her mate?" Hank scoffed with a detestable expression. "Even if she does, you think you can keep her all to yourself? Especially one that beautiful! Jin..." He sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. "I truly understand that desire, but it's to dangerous. What are you going to do when you have to go hunting for the cold season? You can't possibly be thinking of leaving her alone?"

"It's none of your business! I'll take care of her." Jin snapped angrily but a little less aggressively as in truth he worried about Hanks words.

"It's really no wonder she was kept sheltered, the little female is just to beautiful." Hank said with a chuckle as he shook his head, then he sighed again and the two beastmen locked eyes with a challenging glare. "Now listen here, Jin. Don't risk the safety of a precious female for your foolish desire. Be satisfied with at best being near her and help her choose strong males to mate with and protect her, otherwise she'll likely die before the cold season even arrives." Hank stared down the angry Jin a minute longer, before breaking his rough facade and scratched the back of his head with a heavy sigh. "Don't screw this up. Take care of the female properly."

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