Ch 17 Just a Dress

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It was strange and uncomfortable for Liz, she couldn't stop herself from squirming as she pulled the thread threw his flesh and tied it back together, while on the other hand Jin didn't even flinch a muscle or show any signs of pain.

"My gosh, your such a tough guy." Liz said sarcastically with a slightly off kilter smile after she tried off the last stitch, feigning humor to try and cover up the fact that her hands had begun to shake as the adrenaline had completely drained from her system and exhaustion was taking over, but she couldn't hide anything from Jin. He reached out and cupped her shaking bloody hands, pulled them to his lips and kissed her knuckles. "Ah! Don't do that. Let me wash them first!" Liz exclaimed trying to pull her hands out of his tight grip.

"If your mad, you can hit me until you feel better." Jin said in an attempt to make her feel better, but Liz froze and stared at him in shock.

"Wh... Wha... What?!? I'm not going to hit you! Your hurt!" She yelled in exasperation and shook her head vigorously. "And I'm not mad."

"But your shaking." Jin stated and Liz ducked her head, pressing her forehead to their joined hands.

"I... I was worried..." Liz whispered so quietly that if Jin was just a regular human he probably wouldn't have heard her, but he's not human and he did hear her and his heart felt like it was swelling in his chest. "I need to finish treating your wounds, so let go of my hands." Liz said as she sat back, not meeting his eyes and pulled at her hands. Jin smiled while staring at her adorable flushed face, with one jerk of his wrists he pulled her to him, forcing her to meet his heated gaze and a smile settled on his lips.

"Anything you say, my little Liz." Jin whispered and kissed the tip of her nose before releasing her, then watched with satisfaction as her face turned bright red. Liz tried to hide her embarrassment, but failed miserably and Jin just smiled at her like a love sick puppy, until she smeared the herb paste on his wound and his muscles tensed at the burning sensation, to which Liz smirked with mild satisfaction. When she was finished torturing him she wrapped his torso and thigh in the bandages, Jin looked at the odd material, wondering where she got such a strange fabric, then he looked to the side at what she used to stop his bleeding and his eyes bulged nearly out of his head.

"L... Liz... Y... Your dress!" He exclaimed in horror, but Liz just looked from the bloodied rag of a dress to his face then back to her hands as she finished tying the bandage.

"It's just a dress. Treating your wounds is much more important." She shrugged her shoulders like it was no big deal, but if she had looked up Liz would have seen the heart felt expression on Jin's face.

"For... For me... You ruined your dress... For me?" He asked in shock, this level of care and generosity is unheard of in the beast world, especially since Jin knew how much she treasured that dress, he watched as she meticulously washed it in the stream when it got dirty, until her hands were ice cold and her fingers turned pruney, but for him she tore it to shreds and let it be stained with his blood.

"Of course I did." Liz said as she tilted her head in confusion, but her eyes softened when she saw his shocked expression as he stared at the ruined dress. "Jin, your so much more important to me than a dress." She cupped his cheek, making him look at her. "I can always get a new dress, but I can never replace you. Do you understand?"

Liz watched as his brow furrowed in shock or maybe surprise, whatever his emotion Liz found it extremely adorable. She leaned in her lips danced across his, Jin was taken off guard by her words and for a moment he froze, unprepared for her kiss, but when Liz pulled back feeling uncomfortable that he didn't reciprocate, Jin instantly cupped the back of her head and pulled her close. His lips sealed hers, moving urgently but sloppily against hers, he still isn't grately skilled but Liz could feel the love and desperation he poured into the kiss. When they finally broke apart they were both breathing heavily with racing hearts and they rested their foreheads together, staring into each other's eyes.

"J... Jin..." Her voice choked as tears shown in her eyes, her lips quivered and her face reddened. Jin instinctively cupped her cheeks trying to comfort her but his gentle touch broke the dam of her tears. "Jin... I... I was so scared. I... I thought... I thought..." She couldn't bring herself to say she thought he was going to die, as heavy sobs tremored threw her body.

"Don't be scared. I'm here." He consoled and kissed her eyelid, his kisses quickly turned to his tongue licking up her salty tears, then moved down her neck where he smelt and tasted her sweat from all the running around she did. Jin pulled back to really look at her only for his eyes to nearly bug out of his head with shock and worry.

"Liz! What happened?" He asked frantically and Liz looked down at herself curiously before realizing how dirty and scraped up she was.

"Oh... I, uh... I'm fine..." She tried to brush it off but the angry expression on Jin's face made her hesitate.

"Your not fine, don't lie." He threw her words back at her and Liz glared but rolled her eyes.

"Dummy... Your more hurt then me. I really am ok. I... I just forgot my shoes when I went to fi... Wah!" She tried to explain but shrieked as Jin pulled her across his lap, held her ankles, inspected her feet and his heart broke. She had cuts, splinters and scrapes with mud and dried blood coating her feet. He didn't hesitate to lift her foot to his mouth and begin licking it clean, but this caused Liz to gawk in horifacation. "Jin! Stop it! That's dirty!"

"That's why I'm cleaning you."

"Quit it! Just wash it with water!" She yelled but then hissed as he sucked on one of her splinters. "Owwwyyy..." She whined and squeezed his shin.

"Does it hurt badly?" Jin asked giving her a pitiful look, but Liz didn't answer his question.

"Just dig it out with your claw, hurry." Liz said giving him a pleading look. They spent the next few hours with Jin meticulously cleaning and treating her wounds, she even had to argue with him about keeping his bandages on, because he wanted to remove them to use them on her wounds instead after he'd finished torturing her with the make shift medicine. Afterwords they cuddled together for most of the day under the shade of a tree, because neither would let the other move around and risk agitating their wounds.

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