Ch 14 Pursuers

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Unbeknownst to Liz, there was chaos just outside their little bubble of love. Zephyr and his brothers defended outside Jin's cave which is now considered Liz's territory, the rest of that day and long into the night against any peeping beastmen, not that they didn't sneak a few peaks themselves, though they didn't see anything, the sounds and smells wafting from the cave gave rise to their beastly nature.

After Liz passed out Jin left the cave, at first he ignored the beastmen still bravely lingering around his territory, while he made a fire and put water on to boil, but as soon as he was through with preparations he attacked the males, even Zephyr and his brothers, beating them up and running them off. By the time he was finished the water was ready, he brought it into the cave and carefully bathed Liz, checking her for injuries and bruises, each of which tore at his heart and he berated himself for being too rough on his poor little mate.

The next morning Liz woke with her face rested on Jin's sculpted chest with his burly arms wrapped around her. He nuzzled her face with his and kissed her all over until she giggled delightedly. He handed her a bowl of water to relieve her parched throat, then he stoically asked how her body felt, if she was in any pain, he'd rush to get the healer.

"Jin, I'm fine." Liz reassured with a wide grin, grabbed his hand and pulled him back down on the furs with her, Jin covered her with his naked body, supporting himself on his forearms on either side of her, while he nuzzled into her neck. Enticing a small fit of stifled giggles from her, until he kissed a trail down to the center of her chest and lingered there. It took Liz a few moments to realize what Jin was gawking at with a smile so tender and eyes that shown with love and appreciation, a tattoo of the head of a white tiger that looked exactly like Jin's beast.

He leaned in and kissed his mark once more, Liz wound her fingers in his hair and held him against her chest. They cuddled for a while before Liz was forced to get up to relieve her bodily needs and eat something. While she dressed Jin went outside to prepare, but soon she heard angry roars followed by the sounds of fighting. Liz dressed as quickly as possible and ran outside in time to see Jin's white tiger chasing after 4 orange tigers.

"Who were they?" Liz asked inquisitively and Jin frowned.

"Males." He answered solemnly, but enjoyed her reaction as Liz's eyes grew wide and her cheeks flushed.

"An... And how long were they out here?" She asked in a soft little voice.

"Since we returned from the ceremony." Jin answered honestly, but noticed how her face pailed in shock before it burst into a feverish blush.

"They... They were out here... The whole time! Wh... Why!?!" She yelled in exasperation.

"To keep other males away while we mated." Jin explained, his ears flattened to his head in shamed annoyance that there were so many male's brave enough to cross into his territory.

"Ugh! They probably heard everything! Oh my... That's so embarrassing!" Liz whined and slumped against Jin's chest, which made him freeze momentarily in surprise, then smile at her dotingly and rub her hair, while she hid her red face from view.

A few days later, Jin was working on carving Liz a bathtub, so she wouldn't have to bathe in the river or out of a bowl all the time. The day was hot, the sun bright, Liz already had Jin help her make a water bladder, more like Jin made it while Liz sat in his lap giving instructions as he sewed it. Liz carried it to him wanting to give him a refreshing drink, but got distracted by the sparkling beads of sweat dripping down his tanned skin. Liz urged Jin to take a break, which he initially refused wanting to show off his fortitude, this heat is nothing for a male, but Liz wouldn't hear it and he immediately gave up resistance when he caught the light scent of her arousal.

Liz drug him over to the shade and made him lay down in the grass, using her lap as a pillow. His nose being this close to her juicy sweet center was a small form of torture he tried desperately to resist, since he was also enjoying how Liz ran her fingers through his hair playing with the strands and sang a song. Her beautiful voice carried on the wind and entranced the males hiding not too far off in the brush, they were so jealous that the ugly Jin was being pampered by the beautiful little female, what did he do to deserve such favor?

Jin ran Zephyr and his brothers away every day, several times a day, before any of them could present themselves in front of Liz, as he wasn't quite ready to share her with anyone. This continued for days until Tabby finally got involved and went to see Liz personally...

"It isn't right for him to keep all of your pursuers away, without even giving them a chance for you to see them. You can't let a male have that much control over who you accept, not even your head male should have that authority, it could be dangerous for you."

"Pursuers? Head male? Ok, slow down and breathe. Please explain calmly so that I can understand."

"Yes, the males who come here every day... Did you not notice them at all?" Tabby asked shocked.

"Oh, you mean those males Jin chased off a few days ago? They were here to pursue me?" Liz asked and Tabby looked at her like she was an idiot. "Umm... Uhh..." Liz rubbed her neck and looked away uncomfortably, Tabby rolled her eyes.

"Yes, they are excilent males. You'd see if you'd give them a chance. They're waiting just outside your border, I can call them over..."

"No!.. Thank you." Liz tried to cover her outburst. "I appreciate your concern but I'm just not ready to take any more mates just yet."

"Not ready?" Tabby repeated, her expression twisting onto one of repulsion. "Your a female. You need more males. Whats there to wait for? Now that you've mated for the first time, it won't hurt anymore. Besides I garentee my son's will be more gentle with you than that big scarred male."

"I said no and I mean it, Tabby. I'm not ready and I may never be, but I shurly won't accept a male because you tell me too. So please stop." Liz tried and nearly failed to control her temper and Tabby left disappointed in an angry huff. Chief Leon glared at Liz, but they left without incident.

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