Ch 13 Touch Me

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*Sexually Explicit Content Ahead!*
*Readers under 18, probably shouldn't be reading this story anyway, but should definitely skip this chapter!!!

Liz woke feeling hot, nearly suffocating, her head felt stuffy and her eyes were puffy from crying, she felt two iron bars locked across her back and she was lying face down on a hard naked muscular chest. Honestly not the most comfortable sleeping position, but who in their wrong mind would or could complain about waking up to this view?!?! I mean who could resist when the first thing you see when you crack open your eyes is all that tanned, toned, tight skin.

Though she was sweaty and uncomfortable Liz refused to move much, she nuzzled her face against his firm peck and slowly flexed her fingers, discovering her left hand was hanging off his side by his sexy hip, while her right was nicely rested on his sculpted abs. Her fingers moved almost of their own accord tracing each scrape, scar and line of muscle and his abs flexed under her touch. His arms constricted around her, his breath seized up in his lungs and his heart raced beneath her ear.

Jin wasn't sure what to do, if anything, so he laid frozen in place, well as much as possible since her soft touches caused his body to react in ways no male could control. Liz froze momentarily when she felt something hot stiffen against her thigh, her heart beat quickened to match Jin's, her breathing shallowed and heat pooled low in her belly.

Liz shifted her position slightly, feeling a stiff twinge in her back but ignored the slight discomfort in favor of the erotic fanticy laid out in front of her. Her thigh pressed against his erection and his breath hitched, Liz swiveled her hips and moved her knee, once, twice...

"Hufmmm..." Jin moaned painfully, one of his large rough hands cupped her hip and ass while the other circled her thigh. "Liizzz..." Jin half growled half moaned as his grip tightened in a weak attempt to stop her movements.

"Jinnhnmm... Don't move." Liz moaned as she gripped his wrist and rocked her hips against him, his fingers flexed and he wasn't sure whether to press her closer or push her away... No there's no way he could ever push her away no matter how her soft little body tortured him. Liz massaged up and down his abs slowly dipping her hand lower in rhythm with the motion of her hips, until her fingers brushed across the shaft of his cock.

Jin hissed, threw his head back and clenched his jaw while his whole body spasmed under her gentle caress. His dick twitched every time her soft warm hand stroked his length, he was nearly going crazy as she'd stop just long enough to squeeze and run her thumb over his tip. Before long Jin was clenching her body so tight her tender flesh was sure to be bruised, not that she cared while the sounds of his growling moans resounded through the cave, until his hot seed coated her hand, thigh, the hip of her dress and his own stomach. Jin's body went limp while his heart raced and he panted for breath, never in his life had Jin experienced the feelings or reactions this special female drew out of him, his whole body felt tingly and drained but strangely good and light.

"Jin..." He looked down as she softly spoke his name, though internally panicked seeing her oddly sad/depressed demeanor despite the strong scent of her arousal. Liz didn't meet his gaze instead stared down at her semon coated hand while she massaged it across his abs. "You... You like me right? You... want to be my mate?" She asked as she turned her big green shining eyes up at him, making his breath hitch in his chest.

"Yes." He answered in a hasty breath while his heart began to race again.

"Then why didn't you tell me what that 'welcoming ceremony' thing really was?"

"I... You seemed so excited for it. I thought you knew." Jin tried to defend himself but had a guilty expression.

"No, I didn't. If I knew what it was I'd never have agreed." She proclaimed puffing out air hottily. "Hmf, no wonder you were acting like someone was about to pull your tail yesterday." Liz giggled, but Jin rose his tail between them and gave her a confusion look.

"No one touched my tail in the fight." He reassured her. "I protected myself well." Liz froze for a second before bursting out laughing.

"No, my silly tiger. It wasn't your tail you were worried about being snatched away, was it?" Liz asked provocatively as she grabbed his tail playfully, which in turn made Jin blush and his manhood stiffened against her thigh again, Liz gasped and stared in surprise at his recovery time, she looked up at him through her lashes with a slight smirk. "Is your tail sensitive?" Liz asked as she gently squeezed it again, making him whimper softly while his dick twitched against her leg. Jin reached out and grabbed her wrist to stop her assault on his poor tail, but just then Liz swiveled her hips, rocking her thigh against his erection, which made him groan with desire.

"Lizzz..." Jin growled.

"Jin... Touch me please. I want you too."

"Touch..." Jin repeated, his breath heavy and rugged as he thought back on how she'd just touched him and just the thought made him shiver in pleasure. He started where he held her wrist, moving his hand over hers engulfing it completely but she still refused to release his tail. Jin didn't pressure her though and instead slowly trailed up her arm to her shoulder, Liz leaned back more onto her side exposing her chest but he neither touched her breasts or pulled down her dress. Instead Jin smoothed his palm down her back, pressing her chest against his, around the valley of her slim waist (Not exactly slim by human standards but slim to a beastman.) and over the curve of her plump hip.

Liz sucked in a breath as his hot hand came into contact with the bare skin of her upper thigh where her dress was slit up the sides. His large rough hand slid inside and cupped the base of her ass, his long fingers slipped between her thighs dangerously close to her damp panties. A soft moan escaped her lips as her thighs flexed under his touch, the same time her grip on his tail tightened, which in turn made Jin growl in a low sexy way that rumbled in his chest. His grip on her thigh tightened and he pulled her closer until her thigh and hip squished his erection between them which made them both moan.

"Jin! More! Touch me more!" Liz pled as she threw her head back, her eyes shining with lust, her cheeks flushed and Jin met her erotic look of desire with one of his own. Liz wiggled her hips, prompting him to move, while she stretched out trying to reach his plump kissable lips. Jin assisted by pulling her up from his hold on her upper thigh, but the motion caused his fingers to press against her wet panties, which made her moan as their mouths met and quickly escalated.

"It's so wet and slippery." Jin commented as he lightly touched her soaked panties.

"Ahh! Nhmmm!" Liz moaned and rocked her hips against his thick fingers. Jin wasn't sure what he was doing exactly but knew she was enjoying it.

"Grrrrrr." Jin's growl rumbled deep in his chest as her scent of arousal grew heavier and he strained against his beast which wanted to pin her down to the furs and mate her forcefully, though he didn't want to do that for fear of hurting her fragile little body. Liz noticed his struggle, didn't know his exact thoughts but smiled at his restraint.

"Jin..." Liz sweetly softly called his name as she began adjusting herself to straddle his lap, then reached between them to gently squeeze the head of his cock, while she rocked her wet cloth covered pussy over his shaft. Jin's clawed fingers tore into the fur coverings of the nest, the friction was overwhelming and the rythmatic movement caused her panties to slip to the side until her bare pussy slid along his hot cock. Liz came from the friction against her clit alone.

Once her body slowed down it's shivering Liz hooked her arm over his shoulder and rows herself up, bringing her lips to his, while she used her free hand to line his throbbing head up with her dripping entrance. Liz felt herself stretching around him, she gasped and moaned, Jin clenched his teeth and hissed, while she slowly bobbed her hips slipping him a little further inside with each agonizingly slow thrust.

Impaled only halfway down Jin's massive cock, Liz leaned against his chest panting for breath after her second orgasm. One of Jin's large strong hands gripped her thigh holding her in place, while the other fisted into the back of her dress, his nails sliced through the hide like butter, luckily through his blessid torture he kept sense enough not to scratch her delicate skin. After a time Jin felt the flutter of her soft lips dance across his chest, marking a small trail with feather light kisses as she turned her shining emerald eyes up at him.

"Jjiinnn..." Jin could not resist her desire filled pleading moan, with a sharp dominating growl he spun them around but gently laid her down on the thick furs and with one sharp thrust he entered her completely.

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