Ch 10 Self Doubt and New Dress

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Jin spent the entire night watching Liz sleep peacefully curled up beside him on his nest, she's so beautiful, small, fragile and for the moment all his. The fear of her abandoning him with the dawn of a new day plagued his thoughts, 'By nightfall will she still be here? Will she still be mine? Or will she choose another? Will she condemn me to the solitude and isolation I knew before we met? And why wouldn't she... Why would a beauty like her choose to love an ugly scarred male like me...'

Jin felt as if his heart was being torn to shreds, he couldn't go back to the lonely, cold, empty life he lived before, he couldn't bare to loose her. Jin highly considered taking her and fleeing into the night, finding a new cave and keeping Liz locked away so no other males could ever lay eyes on her. Yes, an almost perfect plan... Though he knew that Leon had ordered a lot of the unmated males to guard at the boarder of Jin's territory specifically to prevent that from happening, but Jin was stronger than almost everyone in the tribe, accept for Chief Leon himself, so he wasn't bothered by that, No, what stopped him was Liz herself.

Even if she didn't mind fleeing with him, would she willingly allow herself to be locked away? Would she hate him for it? That thought shattered his heart and his nerve all in one piercing painful moment, he couldn't stand the thought of her looking at him with disgust and hatred. He decided right then and there that if he must he would share her love, even if she refused to mate with him, he would stay by her side, even if it was only as a guardian, he couldn't live without her.

Reluctantly Jin woke Liz before the first rays of sunlight touched the sky, peppering her face with gentle kisses as she slowly stirred from sleep, groaning, then giggled when he still didn't stop. He kissed across her soft mouth and she ran her fingers up his muscled chest, till she cupped his face in her dainty hands, then applied a little pressure making him pull back slightly.

"Good morning." She said in a husky sleep filled voice, as her eyes slowly fluttered open and a smile graced her lips. "I think you might have just discovered the best way to be woken up." She giggled then suddenly blocked her mouth with her hand. "Well it would be if I wasn't sure I probably have bad morning breath." She said, embarrassment painting her cheeks with a rosy blush. Jin didn't say anything in response, instead he grabbed her wrist and pulled her hand out of the way, then gently pinched her jaw, opening her mouth for his tongue to plunder.

Though he still had ahold of her wrist and chin, Jin wasn't pinning her to the point she couldn't wiggle out of his hold, but instead even though she was surprised Liz melted beneath him. His rough tongue licked every corner of her mouth and tangled with hers, making her moan against his lips. Desire flooded threw her body, warming her core and prickling her nipples. His torso hovered over her's, so close she could feel the heat radiating off of him, her back arched, her body moving on its own, pressing her cloth covered breasts against his hot skin. Liz wrapped her free arm around his neck and pulled him down on top of her, then wound her fingers in his hair, deepening their kiss further and only when she desperately needed oxygen and began to struggle did he finally release her lips and her chest heaved while she panted for breath.

"Delicious." Jin purred. Liz's entire face lit up like a stop light, her cheeks as red as tomatoes and her mouth gaped in complete wordless stupefaction. Jin kissed her deeply once more until she was again breathless, before he release her and jump off the bed with a mischievously satisfied smirk on his face. He quickly served the food he had prepared for her, boiled eggs, grilled meat and purple berries. When she was finished Liz used the stone pot of warm boiled water Jin brought into the cave to bathe, it was embarrassing but she hadn't taken a bath since she got here and was begining to stink.

Liz kept her back to Jin, who was standing guard at the entrance of the cave, she used a soft hide to wrap around herself while she undressed. She knelt on the ground and let the hide fall around her waist, while she used another small piece of furry hide like a sponge to scrub herself clean. Liz refused to turn around and look behind her, she could practically feel eyes on her, watching her every move, but she tried to convince herself it was just paranoia. When she was as clean as she was going to get, Liz reached over to grab the dirty clothes she had been wearing, but they were already gone.

"Uh... Jin... Where are my clothes?" She asked while hugging the wet hide around herself and when she turned Liz saw Jin standing against the morning light holding up a dress that looked similar to her Greek goddess costume, but made of a tanish brown fur, it had a black stripe going down the center of the chest with an off white stripe on either side and random black spots dotted threw the brown. "Oh wow. Jin, where did you get that dress?" She asked in awe.

"I made it for you." He answered curtly and watched nervously as her hand froze mid air just before touching it.

"You made this for... For me?" She repeated, her eyes widened in surprise and Jin nodded his confirmation, his expression pulled tight like a prisoner of war awaiting judgment. "It's beautiful, Jin. Thank you." The smile that lit up her face was radiant, allowing Jin to finally exhale the breath of relief he'd been holding onto, Liz hugged his waist with one arm, while clutching the hide around her with the other. Jin hugged her back, then leaned down and nuzzled his nose into her neck. "What's wrong, Jin?" She asked, feeling the tension in the hold he had on her, but he still didn't answer, instead he picked her up, moved her to his nest, sat her down and laid the dress down beside her, before he turned and walked out of the cave, leaving her there confused and wondering if she'd done something to offend him.

A few minutes later Liz emerged from the cave to find Jin busying himself stacking up dried wood into a neat pile on the side the cave and was so lost in his thoughts he didn't notice Liz until she was only a few feet away, he turned to her and his heart melted.

"How do I look?" She asked, looking up at him shyly as she smoothed her hands down the short soft fur of her new dress. It was a little loose fitting so she used the golden rope from her costume and tied it criss cross down her waist, gave the dress a more form fitting look. The length was about right, the front stopped about mid thigh and the back came down to her calves.

Jins mouth hung open while his eyes scanned over every inch of her body, his breath cought in his throat and Liz quickly noticed the way his hide skirt tented up as it tried to hold down his growing erection. She hastily averted her gaze back up and their eyes locked, while a deep blush tinted her cheeks.

"So..." Liz began, clearing her throat and quickly did a little twirl, then shuffled from one foot to the other nervously. "Does it look good?"

"Your beautiful." He said in a deep breathy whisper, then slowly walked towards her with a dark predatory look in his vibrant blue eyes. "Too beautiful." Jin growled deeply as he scooped her up into his arms until she was up so high her face was hovering over his and she had to hold herself from headbutting him by bracing her hands on his shoulders, her butt sat on his forearm, her knees on his chest. They stared into each other's eyes for the longest, their hearts racing in sync, until Liz took the initiative and lowered her lips to his.

The kiss began soft, just a teasing brush of contact, but as she pulled away Jin pressed his large palm on the exposed skin of her uper back, where the dress 'V's. Even with the slight bit of pressure he used, her mouth slammed back down onto his, Jin nibbled her bottom lip, then licked the seam of her mouth and forced his tongue inside. His warm tongue explored every nook and cranny, while his hot rough palm grazed over the soft skin of her back, going under the hide dress and touching every square inch he could reach.

A sweet alluring scent tickled Jin's nose, making him growl with hunger... Or desire, Liz moaned and her body shivered with pleasure, which made the scent intensify. Liz melted into Jin's arms, until he was the one hovering over her, Jin's hold on her tightened and Liz's hands fisted in his hair, their lips never parting. His fingers traced the tender flesh on the side of her breast, making her moan again while he continued to devour her lips, until she was breathless.

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