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"Do I have to tell story of a thousand rainy days,
Since we first met."

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───


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Willem and I have been playing playstation for the last two hours and now he is starting to become restless. He dropped his sister off at the ice rink before he came round mine so that she could have a little skate for the first time in a few weeks as she hasn't been in due to feeling like shit, and to have a talk with her coach about god knows what.

She probably needs to speak to him about her lack of attending her training sessions, I would be annoyed with it as well if I was her coach. I'm not blaming her and saying it's her fault she's not attending by any means, but our coaches have one job. That one job being to train us to be the best possible skaters we can be and to push us to get there all whilst telling us off when we don't turn up. Our training is important, we need to do it daily in order to keep our abilities.

Practice makes perfect after all.

It's normal to be close to your coaches, Mark and Nadia are extremely close because he has been her coach ever since she was like five and she has grown up with him as her coach so he has been very lenient with her. But, a few weeks without turning up to training is a bit excessive no matter what it is you have going on. The only time it is really acceptable is when you have been injured, like breaking a bone, and it's clear Nadia hasn't done that.

Willem keeps picking up his phone every two minutes to check to see if Nadia has messaged him about picking her up and it's getting on my nerves. I know that he cares about her and wants to protect her but it's really putting a damper on the mood of the day. Not to sound territorial and jealous but we are supposed to be having our own time like we usually do this time of the day, if Nadia really needed anything she could get her boyfriend to pick her up from the rink or something, he has his own car that he is allowed to use whenever he likes.

"Why don't you just call her or go there and check on her?" I make the suggestion because it seems like the logical answer for him to stop worrying so much.

Even though I complain about their brother-sister relationship, I admire it as I have never seen siblings love each other as much as those two do and I have never had anything like that with any of my siblings. Nadia and Willem love eachother so deeply it makes me feel sick. Sick because they are disgusting and because I am envious, I want a relationship like that with at least one person in my family.

But, we can't all have everything.

I know that Willem cares about her more than he cares about himself and if he was faced with a choice then he would choose her in a heartbeat, every single time. I would never be mad about that, she is his family- even more so than his parents are. But, his life has been so surrounded around her recently as she has been diagnosed with depression.

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