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"And from the moment I looked in those dark brown eyes,
I can't remember life before you."

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───


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Corey has been parked on my driveway for a couple of minutes and we have been sitting here in silence for the whole time. I don't want to speak or move because I am too exhausted too and I know that when I go out there, I will end up falling over or something.

I need to learn how to pace myself, but there is just so much I want to do. I can't handle living inside of the house, like a prisoner in my own life.

"I'll get an Uber home or something." Corey says, breaking the long bout of silence.

"I'm sure my mum won't mind taking you, she always does." I suggest, but he shakes his head.

"I don't want to bother her." He insists, which means that he is saying she already has enough on her plate looking after me so he doesn't want to add to her stress.

"Okay." I shrug, too run down emotionally and physically to say anything else.

It seems like he is waiting for something, like for me to invite him inside. I know that it's what I should do and it is what I want to do, just not now. Whilst he was driving us back five minutes ago, I was all for inviting him inside because I want to be around him all the time, but now I just want to do my own thing.

I hate that I have a physical battery and a social battery, it means I get fatigued way too quickly. Corey doesn't wear out my social battery though, his presence is one I can just sit in silence with. We don't have to talk to know what the other is thinking and we don't need to talk to enjoy eachothers company.

I can show Corey things I can't show anyone else, such as the abandoned house me and Archie used to go to, because he doesn't ask questions when he knows I don't want to answer them. He asks questions when he can tell I want to talk about it and that I need to. He will be intrigued when I do say something but he won't pressure me for anything and it is a trait I really admire about him.

The guy doesn't speak about his home life at all so I don't really know what goes on with him when he's not with me, but no matter what it is he goes through, he is still by my side wholeheartedly.

I love his company but I still need to be alone sometimes and he gets that. Jasper never cared about what I wanted. I force the thoughts about Jasper away. I really need to stop comparing the two of them, but it's hard when Jasper is the only experience I have had with this sort of thing.

"I'll go inside now. Thank you for bringing me home." I say, debating whether to give him a quick kiss or just leave and I eventually decide on the latter. I fully believe that if Willem is home then he will be looking out of the window waiting for my arrival because he is worried about me. I don't want him to catch me and Corey whilst his anxiety is through the roof.

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