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"I'm only here passing time in her arms,
Hoping I'll find a glimpse of us."

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───


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I'm soundly asleep in bed when I feel tapping on my arm, waking me up almost instantly and I see Corey standing over me, looking down at me with a soft smile.

When I knew his training was over, I sent him a text message from my mums phone, asking him if I can have my phone back because even though it's only been a couple of hours, I feel stronger and ready to ignore Maddy and Jasper.

Corey places my phone under my pillow and as I look up at him, I know I want him fully. I don't care what my brother says and it's something Corey and I can work out at a later date, I just know that this is what I want right now.

I hate the no label thing I have going on with Corey and no matter how much I push him away he stays by my side. If he didn't want me the same way I want him then he wouldn't do that. I know he loves Willem but he doesn't love him enough to force himself to look after me when he has enough shit to deal with himself.

"Thank you." I tell him, not sure what else to say.

"It's no bother. How are you feeling?" He asks me, looking out into the landing to make sure Willem isn't there before giving me a kiss on my forehead.

"I'm really fucking tired but I wanted to talk to you about something." I speak out so there's no going back now.

"Yeah? Go on then." He sits on the edge of my bed.

"I want to be-" I begin but cut myself off when I see Willem enter the room and his eyes harden slightly when he sees Corey sat on my bed.

"What's going on in here?" Willem asks us and Corey stands back up again and I stay silent, not knowing what to say and too fatigued to come up with a lie.

"She wants some painkillers but couldn't move to get them." The lie comes easy to him and the guilt seeps its way into me once again. I hate lying to my brother, he's been nothing but good to me, especially in recent weeks.

"I could've done that," Willem says, stepping in front of Corey and checking on me. "You okay?."

"Yes. I'd rather you both leave me alone so I can sleep." I groan but it's not the truth at all. I want Corey to be in here, to cuddle me through the pain and drift off to sleep with me. I want to talk to Corey about making things exclusive and I just want to be in his presence.

"You don't have to be the hero all the time, Willem, come on." Corey mutters, practically pushing Willem out of the room and I look between them confused on how Willem would take that comment but he just shrugs.

I have spoken to Corey several times over the last few days about how I feel regarding Willem's feelings for my situation. I hate how much it stresses him out and how much Willem feels like he has to be my knight in shining armour so to have Corey look out for him and take his mind off me means a lot to me.

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