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"You will say you're dreaming up a way,
You're dreaming of a way to explode."

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───


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I am rushed awake by an intense pain in my right abdomen and I almost cry out but I decide to be strong. I don't know how to explain the pain other than it feels like I am being stabbed over and over again. As I have been taking my pill all over the place I am sure it's because my period is due and the cramps are even worse than they were before as I haven't had a period in so long.

I try to ignore it but it's proving more and more complex and as I try to move from lying down, I cry out in pain. "Corey." I try to scream to wake him up but it comes out more of a whisper. I feel around the sofa to try and find him but I don't feel him anywhere, I begin to get panicked as I think I am all alone to deal with this myself but that panic is soon dismissed when I finally register the voices flowing through from the hallway.

Corey bought me some painkillers just before we lay down for the night so I will take them to try and overpower the pain in my side. I usually go for a hot water bottle when I have period cramps but I can't be arsed to get up and make one. Plus, I want to be nosey about the conversation that everyone can't seem to have in front of me.

Does anyone other than Corey even know I'm in here?

I push myself up off the sofa, wincing at the sharpness in my side as I move and give myself a few seconds to catch my breath before reaching for the tablets on the coffee table. There's no water there for me and I have no hot chocolate left so I can't drink that to ease the tablets down, even though it would be cold anyway.

Since my throat has felt much better since having the surgery to get my tonsils removed I have been able to swallow my tablets without any water perfectly fine. The scabs on the back of my throat have disappeared now so I am glad the tonsillitis is over, I just wish everything else would be too. That surgery was supposed to be a fresh start for me but I'm still stuck on the same merry-go-round.

I take my painkillers and just sit and listen, taking in everything they are talking about as I assume it's about me. I had no idea my parents and Willem would be back tonight as they said they were coming home tomorrow so they may have been wanting to surprise me. I'm glad they are back as it's been so long since I've seen them all but I'm also upset they are back as that means Corey has to go back home and has to go back to being my brother's friend rather than mine.

I like it when we can be just us.

I try my hardest to focus in on what they are saying now that the pain is beginning to settle slightly and I am startled when Corey's raised voice rings out. He doesn't say it too loud as if he's holding himself back in an attempt to not let me hear anything.

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