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"It's not fair, I've got acetone for veins,
I'm so sensitive, just one touch and I feel pain."

─── 。゚☆: *. .* :☆゚. ───


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When I hear the doctor say this I am filled with a familiar feeling of anxiety. The anxiety is way more heightened than usual and it reminds me of when I have just finished a skating routine in a competition and I'm sitting in the kiss and cry, awaiting my piece results.

When you're in a kiss and cry, your body is full of adrenaline but you also are nervous as to what's to come. Although, my anxieties are always short lived because I know I performed almost perfectly and I would always get first place. In this appointment it feels different, as I don't know what direction it will go in. Will I get the diagnosis that I am begging for just like I used to beg for first place, or will I not even qualify?

"Do you?" I ask Doctor Soya nervously, not knowing what it could possibly be.

I have a bad feeling about what he is about to tell me as he didn't argue about my parents not being here and he doesn't look like he has anything positive to say. He has all my blood test results, which means whatever is on there has led him to figure out what is wrong with me. I know that I have been tested for cancer but what if there is something there that the doctors have missed, as it is not completely unheard of for them to do that. As much as I hate to admit it to myself but having cancer would explain why I have been feeling so exhausted for no reason and in the amount of pain I am in, I just wonder why it has taken them so long to find it.

Am I about to be given the worst news of my life?

"What do you think is wrong with you Nadia?" Doctor Soya asks me and it's like he knows that I am having an internal war with myself about this possible diagnosis I've managed to convince myself I have. He lets me ponder through my thoughts for a few moments and he puts me out of my internal misery when he finally continues speaking. "I can assure you that it's not what you're thinking."

"Oh, thank god." I release a breath and I feel momentarily relieved but then I remember that if it is not that, then what could it possibly be?

"Yeah, the doctors would've picked up on that a while ago but I understand that you would've had your doubts." He tells me and I nod in agreement. I'm glad he at least understands that I have no faith in the healthcare system. I'm thankful that he is being slow with me as he knows that this type of thing is bringing up a lot of trauma for me but I really do wish he would hurry up and tell me what is wrong with me, I am quite literally on the edge of my seat.

"So, what is it? Please can you tell me?" I practically beg him.

"I want to diagnose you with something called Myalgic encephalomyelitis," He informs me and I stare at him blankly, causing him to let out a little chuckle. "There is another condition that is very similar called fibromyalgia, which is more well known but with the way you explain your fatigue I think ME is the right diagnosis for you."

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