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"Oh, I can't be The kiss that you don't need,
The lie between your teeth, The cut that always bleeds."

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───


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"Come on then." I tell her and we begin making our way back to the car.

I don't know if I overstepped with what I planned tonight but I can see that she needed and appreciate it nonetheless. I know that Nadia is a determined woman and she will make sure she skates one day but she needed to let her dream go to be able to move on. I'm not saying she will move on entirely but letting it go is a start.

Her pace slows down and I can tell that she's in pain so I slow down to match her speed too. When we were coming the other way on the path I kept stopping to look at different things just to give her a few moments to regain herself without it looking too obvious to her.

Her legs wobble and so I crouch down in front of her. "Come on."

"What?" She questions, looking me up and down.

"I am going to give you a piggyback," I tell her and she shakes her head. "I'm not taking no for an answer."

"Fine." She mumbles, putting her hands on my shoulders and I hook my arms around her legs.

"One, two, three." I chant, pulling her up onto my back on three with ease.

I walk like this, holding her in place on my back in silence until we get to the car. I know she was silent because she was overwhelmed, she was moving her head ever so slightly, looking around at all the stars and all the lanterns. Not to get sappy or anything but it was genuinely one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen.

I was going to write one thing on my lantern but I completely went against it when I was in the moment. I put it in my pocket instead of letting it leave with the lantern because I wasn't ready to let my dream go. I don't need to let mine go anyway, tonight was about Nadia, not me.

After all, Chinese lanterns symbolise letting go of your past self and getting a new one. I heard Nadia when she said I was her new dream. I didn't respond because I know she didn't mean for me to hear that, not really. But I still heard it nonetheless, so I will help her to achieve that dream no matter what. Whether it is just being there for her every now and then or something else, I will do whatever she wants. She deserves to have a constant in her life.

It takes a while getting out of the car park as it's only a small one and she is quiet so I think she has fallen asleep already but I stand corrected when she speaks. "Maybe tonight was the start."

"The start of what?" I ask her and she offers a small smile, closing her eyes and resting her tired head on the window. As I'm waiting for another car to pull out of its parking space, I reach around my seat to get to my hockey bag and search around in it for my hockey jersey. Once I get it I lift her head away from the window softly and place my jersey in between her and the window to make a cushion for her. I want her to be as comfortable as possible.

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