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"I don't know when you're sad, I cant tell when you're mad,
you've never been vulnerable."

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───


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We finally arrive at my house, which seemingly took much longer than usual due to how silent the car ride was. Usually, I would be listening to music or talking to someone enough to drown out how slow the journey goes but this time all I could hear was the sound of the engine running and my breaks creaking as I press them.

I should really get them checked out but it's just finding the time. Now that I am not responsible for looking after Nadia, I need to get back to training and we have a session tomorrow. I need as much sleep as Nadia does tonight as I need to be on my top performance on the ice tonight so that coach doesn't have my head on his dinner table tomorrow.

I park the car up on my driveway and Nadia doesn't move, just carries on staring ahead of her as if she is going through a war of thoughts in her mind. I say her name lightly and she is still unresponsive, making me think she is in some sort of trance or something. I wave my hand in front of her face and she finally registers that I'm trying to get her attention. Her eyes widen slightly and then they repeatedly blink, as if there is an image at the front of them that she is trying to get rid of. I wish they had chips you could put into people's brains so that you can see the world the way other people do because I want to know what Nadia sees and how grey her world truly is.

I also want to see how I look from her perspective because that thought terrifies me.

I shake my head, now being the one to get rid of my thoughts and get out of the car, walking over to Nadia's side as she doesn't make an attempt to open it.

I won't tell her this but I heard quiet sniffles coming from her on the journey here. I'm unsure whether it is from the betrayal of the people closest to her or because she is in pain or simply just because her life is one massive shit show.

It's like she is a tiger in a cage at the zoo, stuck in the same place, unable to get out and living life the same, all day every day. Outlookers don't know how that tiger feels, they just want to see a tiger in real life, much like how people around Nadia don't get the tournament she lives with every day and just care about when they are going to see her next.

She is certainly as strong as a tiger.

I open the door for her and she takes my hand as she pulls herself up from the seat and once she's adjusted herself to standing she doesn't take her hand out of mine, making me feel all warm inside.

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