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"On my lowest days, you were all it took,
My biggest saviour."

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───


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I'm so glad we found Nadia when we did because who knows what could've happened if she had sat on that road for any longer. We had a lucky shot at finding her as there are so many roads around her house that it could've been impossible to know which road she would've gone down.        
Luckily, we were only driving around for half an hour before Willem remembered that he has her location on his phone. I'm glad he forgot because that could've got Nadia and me in trouble numerous times, it just would've been convenient if he remembered before I was driving around looking for her for thirty minutes.

We've been with Nadia for a short while now and I still haven't gotten over the shock of them saying they may have found someone who knows what's wrong with her. I have just stood on the outline, watching in on them with my mouth wide open as they all discuss everything. I feel like I shouldn't be here as I'm intruding on a family thing but with the way Nadia looked at me for support only moments ago, I know that I can't leave her here alone with her family.

"What's wrong with me then?" Nadia asks apprehensively as if she's scared to know the answer in case it's something bad. I know how much she and everyone else wants a diagnosis for her but one bad thing about receiving one is that it could be bad news and that terrifies all of us. The only comfort I have in believing it's not something bad is that all her test results are normal, so it doesn't indicate that it's something dangerous.

"He didn't tell us that so he didn't misdiagnose you at all," Willem explains as his parents observe. "He wants to meet you so he can go over everything with you in person."

Instead of watching Willem as he talks, I watch Nadia to see the expressions on her face. I see that when he speaks her face goes through relief that there is finally someone who will see her and hope that there may actually be some answers out there for her. I'm feeling hopeful about this but I don't want to let it affect me too much because if it all comes crashing down I don't want to be heartbroken for her when I need to be there for her.

I have no idea how they can diagnose something when they have gone through all the tests with Nadia and nothing is coming up alarming so I don't feel like this will work but I will keep an open mind with it for her.

"Is that something you will be willing to do, Nadia?" Her mum asks her now and I see her eyes go wild as she tries to process her thoughts behind them. It is a bit of a stupid question but I am glad they are at least giving her the option and discussing it with her this time instead of keeping it from her.

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