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"And if I could give you the moon,
I would give you the moon."

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───


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As soon as I got home I ignored the nagging coming from my parents and hopped straight into the shower, which is where I am now.

Every time I walk through the front door after leaving they always somehow have something to say to me. It never tends to be nice. My mum is fine, I know why she is miserable with her life and I should understand why my dad is like it too but I just can't seem to shake the fact that he is cruel. Even though they are miserable within themselves they shouldn't take it out on me and my siblings, it's not fair on us at all.

I hate that parents think they have an excuse to treat us like shit just because they birthed us, we can't talk back to them because apparently it's disrespectful but when it's the other way round it's perfectly okay?

I'm the type of guy who likes to have their showers and baths boiling hot as it's all the more relaxing, but since training season Is back then I have to stick with cold ones.

To me, happiness comes in the form of hot showers after a long day.

Cold showers do help my muscles more though and I need that, especially after today's training. My mind has been going in circles ever since Maddy walked in on mine and Nadia's conversation, ruining where things were going.

I don't even know where things were going myself, I wasn't expecting anything, nor do I want anything from that girl but it would be nice to see her smile at least once.

That girl is caught in between a strong mind and a fragile little heart. Yet she won't let anybody see, not truly.

I understand her more than I think even her brother understands her and I know how close they are. I think they are too close to be able to see things clearly. I see everything from an outside perspective so it's easier for me to tell when something isn't right as Willem and Nadia want to see the other as perfectly fine.

Nadia doesn't want to show Willem when she is in pain, just like she doesn't want to show anyone but I can see when she is. Willem doesn't want to show Nadia that he is worried about her but I can see it, everyone around him can see it and I think that at this point even Nadia can see it.

From the very little I have seen, nights are the toughest for her, she has to lay there all alone as everyone sleeps around her, overthinking about everything she shouldn't be thinking or feeling in her body.

I welcome the cold water onto my body, soaking it in and thinking back to times where I was truly happy. Happiness isn't a thing that comes as easy to me as it does to other people. I don't know why, I guess the universe doesn't think I am worthy of the feeling. I have these little moments where I think that I'm happy but I don't let myself feel it for too long because something always happens to ruin that, such as my mum taking a turn or my dad shouting at me for not focussing enough on hockey.

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