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" 'Cause I think we messed this up,
Fallin' in and out of love."

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───


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"What?" Nadia's voice comes out shocked and I can't seem to close my mouth from gaping to be able to talk. "What do you mean you need to prep me for surgery?"

When I woke up to see Nadia in the bathroom I knew that it wasn't going to be good whatever it was but I wasn't expecting it to be something that required surgery. I thought it could've been severe food poisoning or an infection at most.

"On the ultrasound we found a cyst that had ruptured," The doctor begins to explain slowly as Nadia has gone as white as a ghost. "It has caused internal bleeding, so we need to stop the bleeding on your ovary."

"Okay, so it's nothing serious?" I ask, seeming to have found the ability to speak again.

"At the minute, no but if we leave it untreated for any longer then there could be some complications." He explains and I grow worried again because I don't want anything bad to happen to this girl anymore.

"What complications?" I ask the doctor, worried that she could die from this.

"Internal bleeding is one of them obviously and it can develop into an infection and trigger something like sepsis, which is the worst case scenario and we want to avoid as much as possible, which is why we want to get her down to theatre right away." The doctor responds to my anxiety ridden question and I can't say that the response helps me calm down any. I appreciate that he's being honest but I can't help but be worried that this does develop into sepsis because that can kill her.

"How long will the surgery last?" Nadia queries, her voice full of worry.

"Around forty-five minutes, it could be longer or shorter. It all depends on how bad the bleeding is and how much we have to clear," He responds and I can tell he is starting to get agitated by all the questions because he wants her in surgery now. "I will answer your questions on the way down but can you please put on this robe and wash off any make up you may have on and take off any jewellery. I will just try and book you into a slot."

The doctor pulls the curtain too, so that no one can see through the glass as she gets changed and I turn away from her, blocking my own view. I hold my hand out behind me so that she can put the clothes she has on into my hands for me to look after and she does so. Usually being in this situation with Nadia I wouldn't turn around because we are comfortable around each other but there is something different this time. She is at her most vulnerable right now and I don't want to be taking advantage of that.

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