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"Oh, we can try to sedate it, but that never works,
I start to imagine a world where we don't collide."

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───


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Corey stayed for dinner tonight like always and I'm still yet to decide if that was a good thing or not. I felt his eyes flicker to me every once in a while during the meal but I was too scared to let myself meet his gaze.

It was hard to eat under his stare but I forced it down. I have to act unaffected by what he did for me today, and I have to completely ignore all these new and unfamiliar feelings for him.

I choose to focus on the physical pain that I am experiencing right now so I can ignore the way my mind is in pain. The physical pain seems to cancel out the mental pain and I'll take it.

Dinner tonight was one of the rare occasions that I didn't eat it in my bedroom so when I was finished eating I went straight back to bed, exhausted from just lifting the fork to my mouth several times. I've been tossing and turning in bed, trying to get comfortable but it's just not happening.

I'm in agony, my bones feel like they are being slowly ripped out of my body one by one. Even pain killers aren't settling the pain like they should. It's weird, I can sleep through anything, as I am literally always sleeping, but when I'm in pain I can't. I'm so accustomed to the pain so I should be able to sleep through it by now.

My mum said to me that we struggle to sleep because sleep requires peace, and peace is something I can't seem to find right now, especially with the pain.

I think that's why my sleep is so disturbed and doesn't energise me, because I am not at peace within myself. In order to fall asleep I have to imagine that my body is someone else entirely, someone who is happy and healthy and someone who is still skating everyday. Only then, can my mind drift off to sleep.

I hear my door open shortly followed by a weight settling beside me. I pretend to be asleep as you can't wake a person who is pretending to be asleep and waking up is the last thing I want to do.

When I sleep, I can lay here in the walls of my mind in utter tranquility.

I catch a whiff of that familiar scent I know all too well and freeze even more so he can't tell that I am actually awake. But of course, as this is Corey he can tell everything when it comes to me.

Even though he is my brother's best friend, he is someone that I don't have to hide from in any way. A person that you can tell your whole life too is someone who you can spend your whole life with, whether it be a friendship or a relationship.

"I know you're not asleep, Nads. But I just want to apologise if I overstepped earlier. I know what that notebook means to you." He says, almost whispering.

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