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"She's asleep in the backseat,
Lookin' peaceful enough to me."

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───


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"Wait." My father calls from the kitchen as I'm about to make my way out of the door.

"I'm going to be late for training." I tell him but he just grunts, meaning he doesn't care, which is surprising because all he cares about is me sticking to my hockey schedule.

"Where have you been the past couple of days?" He asks me, not taking his eyes off of his newspaper and I'm surprised he's even noticed my presence was missing. I perch on the edge of the countertop as I'm tired from being in college all day. I came home after so that I could have a shower and stopped off at Nadia's on the way so that she could give me her phone.

She wanted me to take her phone so that she wouldn't feel inclined to text Jasper and Maddy. They have been texting her, saying sorry to her and that she should have a meeting with them so that they can sit down and talk. She called me crying as soon as she got the first text because she was half convinced to go and didn't know what to do. Luckily, I had just walked out of class when I got the call and was walking to my car, as Willem wasn't in today because his timetable is different to mine.

I made my way straight to her house and took her phone off of her, saying I will give it back when she feels like she can ignore the messages. I would block the numbers for her but I want her to be able to feel confident enough that she can ignore them. Blocking people is never a good way to cut contact when you're the one doing it, in my opinion it's harder to get over them that way.

"I've been to Willem's." I tell my dad, bored of the conversation that is bound to turn into an argument already.

"You're never at his house this much, it's that sister of his isn't it?" He asks me, only now just taking his eyes off his newspaper to look at me suspiciously.

"No." I lie.

"Don't lie to me, son." He orders, face turning red slightly in anger.

"I'm not."

I have been spending a lot more time with Nadia in the past few days. She has been exhausted every time I see her and yet she still made an effort to try and let me see her. We haven't been doing anything other than spending time together in her room and even on her roof when she feels like it. It's tricky hiding from Willem but he has recently met a girl who he is falling head over heels for. I'd like to think that if Willem is in a happy relationship, when Nadia and I get more serious and we tell him about it hopefully it will soften the blow.

Nadia is slowly opening herself up to me more and more each time I see her and she is beginning to let me know when she is in pain or has had enough of my company. I don't take offence when she says she wants me to leave as I know she was trying to let me stay for the longest she could. I don't want to leave on my own accord because I want her to be able to communicate with me about her feelings, physical and emotional ones.

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