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"It's four in the morning,
And I don't wanna cry but I need you here cause I'm a mess."

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───


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As soon as I got back from college I went straight to bed and I haven't really moved since and it's been a couple of days. It has been quite embarrassing to say the least as my mum had to bring in bed pans just so I could go to the toilet. I thought that pissing and shitting in front of my mother was something I left behind when I got out of nappies. I haven't moved because I have been in too much pain to do so, it got so bad that my parents even considered ringing an ambulance because they thought I was dying. I also thought I was dying.

I have never been so scared in my life. My whole body was on fire; my head was pounding, my heart was racing and I couldn't make one bit of movement without an immense cry ripping out of me.

It is my own fault why I am so bad now because I did too much at the fair and it's all catching up to me now because I thought I could handle it, which I  need to stop doing.

As soon as Corey left I knew that it was because of me and it wouldn't leave my mind, so I did everything I could to try and forget what was happening between us. I tailed along after everyone, went on every ride they went on and had as much fun as I could, but it really is hard to have fun when your body likes nothing more than to remind you how sick you really are. If I didn't have so much pain, I would've enjoyed the night so it really is a shame.

I have been sending Corey numerous text messages over the last few days asking where he has been because he hasn't been round here, round here since I've been awake anyway. All of my texts went unanswered and I can't help the anxiety flowing through me of thoughts of him with another woman.

Willem walks into my room to put my snack on the table before he goes to hockey training, where he will see Corey, and I am half tempted to ask him if he will speak to Corey for me but that won't have a good outcome. Today has consisted of me sleeping but I have actually been able to move today and get out of bed so it's come at a good time as I am getting my tonsils out tomorrow.

"Where has Corey been? Have you two had a lovers tiff?" I ask him, trying to ask him subtly what is going on and he doesn't notice, which is good.

"I'm not entirely sure, he has been acting weird since the fair." Willem thinks back and I hope he can't see that it's because that's where Willem told Corey about Jasper and I.

"Yeah, he left quite early didn't he. Have you spoken to him much?" I question him and he looks up at me with narrowed eyes.

"Why do you care?"

"Fine, I won't care to ask you about your only friendship anymore." I roll my eyes, turning over in bed.

"Yes we have been speaking, but he just seems a bit distant. Maybe he met a girl and that's why he left the fair early." Willem replies casually as if telling me that wouldn't sucker punch me right in the heart.

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