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"They gon' put me in a madhouse,
Shove pills down my throat 'til I space out"

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───


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Nadia fell asleep pretty soon after she put her head on my lap and I am proud of her for how much she has managed to do today. She got up, had a massive meal and socialised with my family and she did really fucking amazingly at it as socialising brings her battery down quicker than usual.

    I like this, her lying with her head in my lap and me stroking her head as if to get rid of any negative thoughts she may be having as she sleeps. I feel myself growing tired but I keep myself awake for as long as possible so I don't disrupt her sleep with my snoring. I pull out my phone from my pocket with as little movement as possible in hopes that the bright screen will keep me alert and awake.

    I see multiple texts from my coach asking if I will actually turn up to the next training session and I roll my eyes, not bothering to reply to him as he knows I will be. He is also being dramatic because I have only missed one session, unlike Willem who has missed multiple this week, he better not have lost his touch on the ice. Speaking of Willem, I have a couple of missed calls from him and I become more alert as it makes me feel like something is wrong, or about to go wrong.

    I try to call him back but I get no reply so that makes me even more anxious over the situation. I look down at Nadia's peaceful face and know that even if I move it won't wake her up, especially considering the day she's had today. I lift her head with my hands and sit up from underneath her, trying my hardest not to wack her on the head with my leg. I am successful in not knocking her out with my hip so I place a pillow down and then slowly lower her head down onto it, hoping the cushion will be comfier than my legs were for her.

    Ellie comes sniffing around the living room and then jumps up onto the sofa by Nadia's feet, being careful not to lie on her legs. It's like she knows that something is not right with them.

    I've always been fascinated by how clever dogs actually are because they can tell when something is wrong before the person with the issue actually can. I remember Nadia telling me a few weeks back that Ellie wouldn't leave her alone and was constantly whining around her just before she came down with tonsillitis and then she has been like that ever since. Ellie has stopped with the wining now but she has been clingy to Nadia, as if she wants to protect her from everything bad.

I think about whether I should disturb Nadia by carrying her upstairs to bed but my argument with myself is cut short when I hear the front door burst open with Willem speaking in a raised voice.

"I'm just saying we shouldn't tell her about any of this."

"Do you think that's really fair?" Willem's dad replies.

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