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"We could meet down the line,
After all of the time, and give an actual try."

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───


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I got a text from Willem about an hour ago saying that Nadia came out of surgery and that it all went to plan, which is good. He has been keeping me updated throughout and apparently the nurses are a little on edge because she is still feeling the effects of the anaesthesia.

I have been worried sick about her because I know her and know that she will be overthinking the whole thing, even in her drugged up state. She was worried she was going to die during surgery and it was only a minor one with very low chances of complications, so I would hate to see her if she were to have a major surgery.

According to Willem, Nadia was allowed to go into the actual theatre before she was put to sleep and I have never heard of that happening ever. Nadia seems to be the exception for a lot of medical things. I would say that she is the only girl in the world where doctors can't find the answer to her problems, but it is shocking how common it actually is. I was reading up on it the other day and it said that over seven million people are misdiagnosed every year so I can't imagine how high the number would be for people who keep getting pushed away, being told they have nothing wrong with them when they actually do have a medical condition.

I sigh and put my phone down as I wait for another update from Willem when Ed walks through the door with Will right behind him. "What's up with you?"

"He's worried about Nadia."  Lily speaks up before I can and honestly forgot she was here as she was nose deep in her book.

"Piss off, how do you even know that?" I groan as Ed whispers in Will's ear, most likely explaining the current update about mine and Nadia's relationship.

"You were mumbling under your breath about Willem's texts." She shrugs, looking back to her book.

"Shit, of course. Did her surgery go okay?" Will asks and everyone looks to me for an answer.

"Yeah, she is fine," I reply, unsure whether to voice my thoughts or not but we all promised each other that we would try to be better towards each other and that starts with being honest. "I just really hope it works, for her sake."

"Yeah me too." Ed chimes in.

"Is it selfish of me to say that I don't want to have to watch her go through that. It's bad enough watching mum be in pain when she is." I ask Ed but Lily is the one to reply.

"Probably a little."

"Go back to your book." I warn her but she says something under her breath before doing what she's told.

"No, I don't think it is selfish. It is natural for you to not want someone you love to go through all that pain and suffering," Will speaks slowly, sitting down on the sofa next to me and Ed follows. "You just have to remember that they are the ones really going through it and have it worse, not you."

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