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"Just watch my life by and lock the right ties,
Nobody, nobody is listening to me."

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───


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Corey walks into my room, just like he never left in the first place. He walks up to me and takes my hand, guiding me out of my room, all without saying a word. I don't ask questions, I know better to do that now and I don't want to alarm my parents and Willem that he's here.

We walk through the house, still holding hands and walk out the front door, going to his car. I don't remember seeing my family so I wonder where they have gone but I don't think about it for long because it seems like a blur when we arrive at the ice rink.

He puts my skates on for me, then does his own and drags me on the ice with him. It's as we skate around the ice, holding hands that I realise I am not in pain. I would've thought it would be the first thing I noticed but as I am so used to the pain now, I didn't.

Corey and I skate around the ice, he lifts me up onto his shoulders with ease. Corey isn't a figure skater and I have never done paired skating before but what we are doing almost comes naturally to us.

Corey's arms start to wobble slightly, so he sets me down as he doesn't want me to fall, and neither do I. "Falling on the ice has always been my biggest fear."

"I don't believe that." Is all Corey says, the first thing he has said this whole time.

It's weird, I felt comfortable even when we weren't talking. It's like we knew what the other was saying without saying anything at all. It's the silence I crave sometimes; to be able to be in just eachothers company helps us be drawn closer together. It is said that the people who are most comfortable with each other are able to talk to each other without speaking. Corey and I pretend that we don't care for each other in front of others, but we know ourselves how we feel.

"Okay then I guess, losing skating is my biggest fear. Although, I already lost that so I don't know what else I could say." I respond, pulling him along the ice with me by both arms. My body feels good and I know I will face the repercussions of this later but it is worth it to be able to do the one thing I love the most, all without my body screaming at me.

"Try again." He says, sounding like a robot with his blunt responses.

"Okay, Corey, fine. Do you want to know what my biggest fear is?" I ask him, raising my voice slightly as I let go of his hands. "My biggest fear is for you to fucking see me the way that I see myself."

He takes a step back, shocked at my sudden anger, which I am shocked at as well. I never get angry because I refuse it. I never know when my last moments with someone are going to be, so I tread carefully with what I say to people. I don't want to live in guilt for the rest of my life because I got angry at a loved one. I constantly think about my last words with Archie, even though they were good. I can't imagine how I would feel if they were bad, I don't even want to think about it as the thought makes bile rise up in my throat.

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