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"I was at the point where all I really wanted was someone,
And now I'm still hanging on."

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───


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I have been out of hospital for just under two weeks now and I can now finally say that my scar is fully healed and there were no extra issues, such as infection or popping open a stitch. When the pain relief wore off and I was fully myself again it was like my stomach was hit with a wrecking ball. All I did was lie down and my insides felt like they were churning and my stitches were pounding as they healed.

I never want to have surgery like that again, or even at all, but still, the pain I went through when recovering from it is nothing compared to the constant days of torture I have endured from just being alive.

I have been lying in bed for the past week or so, not doing much of anything and it has been hell. I have been withering away in my bed, feeling forgotten by the world yet again. My parents got me a commode so I don't have to waste all my energy on getting up to go to the toilet when I should be spending it recovering. I have been having daily injections of blood thinners so that I don't develop any blood clots as I am not moving around and getting out of bed as much.

Today is the first day since being out of hospital where I will get out of bed and get dressed. It's new years eve tonight and I won't be going out to do anything but I will watch the fireworks light up the sky from my bedroom window and pray that it won't be another reminder of how my life withered away like a burnt out firework.

Christmas was weird in our household this year, Willem and I hardly spoke to each other and my mum and dad seemed to hardly be speaking too, it's like they were too scared to say anything just in case Willem and I decided to have another fall out.

Ever since Willem found out about Corey and I he hasn't spoken to me, only making vague conversation to ask me how I am when mum and dad have been out of the house or busy. No matter how much he hates me right now he still looks after me as much as he did before and I want to cry at how much I've hurt him.

It's safe to say that this year's Christmas won't go on the list of one's to remember.

Although it was a Christmas filled with awkward silences and not so much love, Willem and I still gave each other our presents. I gave him a new helmet to protect him when he is on the ice as he has been using the same helmet for a couple of years and it has been worn down so much that it is unrecognisable. He refused for ages to get a new one because he only liked the way that one fit him and it hadn't been in stock anywhere so he just forgot about it. When I was looking at what to give everyone I remembered this helmet and it was surprisingly in stock so I got it, making sure to tell my parents that I was because I didn't want them getting it for him as well

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