Chapter 4 - Alex

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Song: New Light - John Mayer

Today was pretty... eventful.

From me getting apple juice spilled on my sweater this morning on the bus, don't ask, to Scarlett throwing paper balls at students heads, mine included, to her getting detention for throwing a paper ball at our teacher.

I was kinda surprised. I mean she's never done something like that to a teacher. Something must of really pissed her off for her to do that.

Not that I care.

I had gotten home from school about 2 hours ago and I was all done with my homework.

What? I don't want all of it to pile up last minute. I rather get it over with as soon as I'm able too. Such a nerd. Sue me!

Now I'm laying in bed staring at the ceiling contemplating on what to do.

I should probably workout a bit. I own some weights that I keep under my bed, or rather hide.

I know I may not look it, but I like to workout a bit. Not that anyone knows since I workout quietly in my room and with the baggy clothes I wear no one can tell. Also, I've never shown my body to anyone.


I don't know but it would be pretty embarrassing if someone where to find out that I secretly workout in my room. I guess it's just one of those things that are embarrassing for no reason.

I get up from my bed and position myself on the floor to start off with some pushups.




"Honey, do you want some fruit?" I'm startled by my moms voice and fall to the floor on my chest with a loud thump as she opens my bedroom door.

"...Um, What are you doing?" She asks raising an eyebrow once she sees me.

"Nothing." I lie, awkwardly trying to adjust myself on the floor to look normal.

"Why are you on the floor?"

"Why aren't you on the floor?" I mentally face palm my self. Really? That was the best response you could come up with? I don't think well under pressure!

"You know what? I'm just going to pretend this is completely normal... and I'll just knock from now on. Anyways, here I brought you some fruit." She lays the bowl filled with watermelon, my favorite fruit, in front of me on the floor. She goes to stand near my door and she has this look on her face like she's trying to remember what else she came here for.

A few seconds go by and she seems to remember. "Oh yeah! Your friend Wanda is here."

"Mom, for the billionth time her name is Amanda, not Wanda or Handa or Banda or whatever other weird names you call her." I correct her getting up from the floor, dusting off my clothes.

"Really? Oh my! I must be getting old. Can't even remember your friends name." She says scratching the back of her head. "Anyways, she's outside."

"You could've at least let her in." I tell her making my way out my room and down the stairs.

"Oops!" Is all I hear from her as I get down.

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