Chapter 6 - Alex

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Song: What Once Was - Gavin Luke

I screwed up.

I made her mad and now she's avoiding me.

All day I've been trying to approach Scarlett so that I can apologize for what happened on Saturday, but every time I try, she just glares at me and walks away before I can say a word.

It's like we're playing cat and mouse, but I don't think I'm the cat in this situation. The roles are definitely reversed. She seems more like the scary angry cat and I'm the scared little mouse, yet I'm the one chasing her around school.

I mean, I know I misjudged her and I really shouldn't have. I feel terrible for assuming that she would make fun of me for the simple fact that I haven't had my first kiss yet and also for assuming she'd make me do our project alone.

I also wanted to clarify what I said about her appearance. I didn't mean to offend her. It was just strange to see her without any make up on. I wasn't saying she looked ugly. If anything she looked... kinda cute? Wait. Did I just think Scarlett looked cute? No. Different. I meant different. She looked different.

It's already our last class of the day, which is English. We're all waiting quietly for work to be assigned to us.

"Alright everyone, today we will start on your projects, so please find your partner and go sit with them." Miss Riley says.

I look towards where Scarlett is sitting on the other side of the classroom. I see her typing away on her phone, without a care in the world not making an attempt to move from her seat at all. I guess I'll have to go over there myself.

I get up and make my way to her. I sit in the desk in front of her, facing her. She finally looks up at me from her phone. The intensity of her stare brings shivers down my spine. I forgot how intimidating and scary she actually is. She sets her phone down on the desk, crosses her arms leaning back onto her seat also crossing her legs under her desk and simply keeps staring at me. Waiting.


I think she heard that.

"H-how are you today?" I ask her trying to lighten the mood.

"Peachy." You don't look it.

Yeah, I wonder why?


"S-so.... um the project." She's still staring, saying nothing. God if looks could kill...

I let out a deep sigh before I decide to speak again. "Look Scarlett, I know you're mad about the exchange we had on Saturday and you have every right to be. I want to apologize. I shouldn't have assumed anything of you especially since I don't really know you on a personal level. So, I'm sorry." I say sincerely making sure to keep eye contact so that she knows I mean what I say.

She has this look on her face like she is thinking of whether she should forgive me or not.

"It's gonna take a whole lot more than a simple apology to make it up to me." She says pursing her lips.

"W-What do I have to do?" I question nervously.

She leans forward setting her elbows on the desk while intertwining her fingers and resting her chin on them.

"Hmm, I'm not quite sure yet, but I'll let you know when I figure it out." She grins and I can see the evil glint in her eye. Lord help me.

I'll admit I'm a little scared to find out what exactly Scarlett will make me do to make it up to her but I'll have to play along if I want her to forgive me so we can do this project without any trouble or drama.

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