Chapter 15 - Scarlett

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Song: Until now - Abe Parker

"I am going to fail! I've never failed a class in my life! This is my last year in high school, I can't fail now and ruin my perfect grades!" Alex panics as I watch him pace around his room.

It's the second week of practice for the upcoming Spanish speaking assignment and well, we haven't made much progress. I swear Alex has been trying his hardest but for some reason he doesn't seem to get it. We've practiced everyday of the past two weeks but he's been to stressed to actually retain anything. I know I should probably give him some encouraging words but I'm not good with fucking encouraging people!

I'm sitting on his bed as he keeps pacing his room muttering things under his breath. Jesus, he's gonna make a hole in the floor at this rate.

"Okay, Alex just stay still." I tell him. He's making me dizzy. "Sit." I order pointing to the spot on the bed in front of me.

He sits down with a sigh.

"Have you calmed down a bit?"



"Okay, yes! A little." He says but his shoulders look super tense and he keeps clenching his jaw. I've never see him so frustrated.

"Why don't we try breathing a little, Yeah?" He sighs but nods. "Alright then. Inhale. Exhale." I instruct and he does as I say. We do it a few more times and he seems to relax a bit.

"Do you want to try again?" I ask, referring to the sheet he's supposed to memorize. He purses his lips, thinking for a few seconds then puts his hand out signaling me to hand him the sheet, so I do.

"Now, just take a deep breath before you start. Take your time, okay?"

"Okay." He clears his throat, adjusting his glasses before he begins to read."Hola, mi nombre es Alex y tengo 17 años. Desde niño... gusta jugar al... al doctorera muy.... di-vertido. Se volvió algo... hacer en futuro. Ahora mi sueño... doctor. Quiero ayudar a muchas personas." He finishes and looks up to me with hopeful eyes.

I bite my lip as I look at him, trying to figure out how not to hurt his feelings. "Well," I nod. "the first and last sentences were good." I say trying to be positive.

"I'm so screwed." He starts to panic again. Ah joder.

"Okay, Alex! Before you start to freak out, breath. It's fine, you aren't that far off what it actually says on the paper. Why don't you try telling me what you remember without reading the sheet, hmm?" I hum and he reluctantly nods again.

He closes his eyes and his lips part as if he's about to say something but nothing comes out, at least nothing I was waiting for.

"Urgh, I can't do this. I feel so stupid! It's such a short paragraph but I can't remember any of it!" He groans frustrated as he puts his head in his hands.

C'mon Scarlett, say something to cheer him up! Cheer him up? How the fuck do I do that?

I sigh and look up at the ceiling for a moment trying to figure out what to say.

"Hey it's okay. We still have a week left." I try reassuring him but he keeps his head in his hands. He's to stressed out.

I sigh once more and slowly make my way to position myself on my knees behind him on the bed and place my hands on his shoulders.

He stiffens for a second as my hands start to massage him. "W-what are you doing?" He questions nervously.

"You're so tense, Alex. That's why you can't concentrate. You're putting way to much pressure on yourself." I say as my hands move up to his neck. He lets out a pleased sigh as my dumbs work the back of his neck and his shoulders finally relax. There we go.

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