Chapter 18 - Alex

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Song: Made To Be Wanting - Job Roggeveen

"Alex, glad to see you stop by." Olivers cheerful voice greets me as soon as I enter his coffee shop.

"I had some time." I answer walking further in noticing the cats roaming around inside.

"Your friend isn't with you today?" He asks seeing as I'm alone.

"No she was busy." I tell him but if we're being honest, Amanda just didn't want to come here ever again.

"What brings you in today?"

"Oh I just thought I'd stop by and get a coffee." I say as I nod to myself.

Oliver looks at me for a second with pursed lips as he finishes making a drink and calling out the name of the order.

"Whats on your mind Alex?" He asks with a raised eyebrow once he gets back to me.

"I- ugh, fine," I sigh and sit on a barstool near the counter. "Remember the girl I said was tutoring me?"

"The one who used to be your best friend?"

"Yeah, her. Well, we're friends again." I say a little to excited. It's been a little over a week since Scarlett and I became friends again and I don't know why I've had the burning feeling to tell everyone. It made me really happy.

"That's great!" Oliver smiles.

"Yeah, I guess." I say with a small smile looking down at my hands on the counter.

"Well if it's so great, why do I sense that there is something about it that bothers you?" It's impressive how well he can pickup on people's feelings.

"I just, I'm not sure if it's a good idea. I mean, I wanted us to be friends again. I was the one who asked her, but then I started to think and what if being friends with me ruins her reputation? She's the popular girl at school so hanging out with someone like me could really affect her." I say while fiddling with my fingers on the counter.

"Do you think she cares about that stuff?" He asks.

"She told me she didn't, but-"

"But nothing Alex. If she says she doesn't care then she doesn't. Some people may have big reputations but still have the ability to do what they want without care of what other people might say or think. And from the little you've told me about her, she sounds like someone who would do that."

"Yeah, I think you're right." She's always been the type of person who doesn't care what others think.

"I know I am." He says with a cheeky grin. "Why don't you bring her here sometime? She can tutor you here. Is she a fan of cats and coffee?"

"I'm not sure. But I'll ask if she wants to come." It would be nice to do tutoring somewhere that's not my house. I'd like the change of scenery. I'm not sure if she's comfortable with us at her house but I think it would be nice here.

I look to my side and notice a hiring poster up.

"You're looking for more help?" I ask Oliver.

"Oh yes, I am! It wasn't so hard being by myself. I was able to manage but lately I've been getting even more customers so I need a hand. Are you interested?" He asks hopeful.

"Me? Oh I don't know if I'm the right person."

"Why don't you think about it?" Should I think about it? I mean earning some money doesn't sound to bad right now. I only have like 20 dollars in my bank account if I'm not mistaken. It was from last years Christmas presents. I'm seriously broke.

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