Chapter 24 - Alex

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Song: Sun Outside My Window - Strawberry Guy


That's how everyone around me has been acting the past week.

My mom and dad seem to be hiding and saying secrets around me. Every time I enter a room they quiet down and act as though nothing is going on but I know something's up.

Scarlett was also acting weird. She's been on her phone a lot lately. She has this concentrated expression while scrolling, like she's intently looking for something. Every time I called out for her she'd flinch and hide her phone.

Then Amanda... well she's always been a bit weird, but still!

I stand in my bathroom looking at my reflection in the mirror. My 18th birthday was this Friday. I knew we were probably going to do something small with my parents. I've never really wanted a birthday party. I don't see the point considering I don't have many friends.

I look at my reflection, specifically inspecting my hair. It's gotten quite long, almost to my shoulders. I've let it grow out and I have curls, if you can even call them that anymore, falling everywhere covering my eyes and glasses.

I want to cut it but I don't want to go to a barbershop. I wouldn't know what to ask for. I should probably just cut it myself.

I take the scissors that sit on the bathroom counter and section off my hair as best I can. I take hold of the piece that covers my eyes and calculate. I think this much is fine. I cut off the piece and throw the hair in the trash.

I look back at the mirror... oh God. It's fine. I can fix it.

I take another section and cut it off.

There, now it looks... worse. What was I thinking?

I cut a few more sections trying to make it look decent.

This was such a bad idea.

~~~~❃ ⬢⬡⬢⬡⬢ ❃~~~~

Walking into school this morning was a complete embarrassment. People looked at me weird because I had my hoodie completely up, covering my face and hair. I had to wear it like this. I completely destroyed my hair last night. I had to rush out of the house this morning to make sure my parents wouldn't see me.

Amanda also asked what was wrong with me this morning on the bus but let it go when I told her it was nothing.

I walk down the hall to my first class when I accidentally bump into someone.

They nearly fall to the ground but I quickly catch them by their waist before they hit the ground.

"Watch where your going man you almost- Alex?" I hear the voice I know all to well question.

"Hey Scarlett, sorry." I apologize looking away as I let her go.

"It's fine. Are you ok?" She asks trying to look me in the eye but I keep my head down.

"I'm fine." I mutter. "Let's just head to class, yeah?" I try walking past her but in one swift motion she grabs my hand and drags me into the opposite direction.

"Scarlett we're gonna be late."

"Don't care." She says continuing to drag me and I let her.

The late bell rings as she pulls me into an empty classroom, shutting the door behind us.

"What's wrong?" She asks in a firm tone turning to face me with her arms crossed.

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