Chapter 20 - Alex

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Song: Choking on Flowers - Fox Academy

"So do you know what ended up happening to Scarlett?" Amanda asks as soon as I open the door to my house for her.

"Well hello to you too." I say in a sarcastic tone as she didn't even say that.

"Yeah, yeah, hi." She answers dismissively going up the stairs. We enter my bedroom and she plops down on my rug. "Now spill." She demands. She can really be a sucker for gossip sometimes.

I sigh. "They told her they would let this one slide." I answer taking a seat at my desk.

Scarlett told me yesterday what happened and I thought this would be a good thing but she didn't seem relieved at all. She also left all of a sudden which I've notice is something she does quite often.

"Of course they did." I hear Amanda mutter but I choose to ignore it. "So is she still helping you with Spanish or does she not take it seriously either cause she's definitely got a problem with responsibility." I've had enough.

"Alright, enough Amanda." I suddenly snap.

"What?" She questions defensively.

"You know "what". You have to stop this grudge or whatever it is that you have towards Scarlett. I don't understand the hatred you have towards her. You've never interacted with her before so I know she has done nothing to you. Her and I are friends now whether you like it or not."


"But nothing Amanda! If she were to badmouth you I would stop her just like I'm stoping you, but she doesn't ever say anything about you. You should try to be nice to her for once. If you don't want to be friends with her, fine, but at least be civil." I finish and see her looking at me with an unreadable expression.

"Fine." She answers plainly. "Can I use your bathroom?" She asks suddenly getting up.

"Yeah... go ahead." As soon as she walks out of my room I let out a long sigh.

I might of been a little harsh but nothing I said was wrong. She's always saying mean things about Scarlett and Scarlett never says mean things about Amanda. I know it's because she let her self get influenced by all the rumors of how mean Scarlett used to be but that's all they were, rumors. So Amanda has to stop.

"Hey, I have to go. My mom called, she needs me to get some things from the store." Amanda says once she's back.

"Oh, ok." I awkwardly say as she gathers her things. She's about to walk out of my room but I stop her.

"Amanda, wait. I'm sorry if I was a little harsh with what I said. I didn't mean to upset you."

"No, it's fine. You're right. I may not like it but you're right. And if you trust her then I trust that you're sure about being friends with her and I'll try to be more civil." She says.

"Thanks Amanda." I say with a genuine smile.

"O-of course." She says nervously. "Well, I'll see you at school, bye." She says rushing out of my room.

I let out a slight chuckle at her behavior. She can get pretty awkward after an apology and a fight. She always gets flustered and her face turns red from embarrassment.

I'm just glad we could sort this out.

~~~~❃ ⬢⬡⬢⬡⬢ ❃~~~~

I walk into school the next day and go straight to my locker.

I was a mess this morning trying to find a new toothbrush because I think my mom threw my old one away last night. I've told her not to do that without telling me.

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