Chapter 5 - Scarlett

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Song: Helena Beat - Foster The People

It is Saturday morning around 11:00 AM when I finally decide to get out of bed.

I really need to start making my way to the gym soon.

Yes, I go to the gym. I have to if I want to keep my figure and if I don't want mother to throw a fit.

Besides, I consider it my me time and it really does help me get my mind off things.

I turn off the rain sound playlist I use to help me sleep as I get up and get dressed in some black gym shorts and sports bra. Then I go to the bathroom to do my morning routine.

When I'm done, I go downstairs and make myself a protein shake.

I can't help but notice the eco I create with each move I make. You would think I've gotten used to the silence by now since I'm almost always alone in this big house, but I haven't. Sometimes the silence gets so overwhelming that I need to put on either music or my rain sound playlist to make the anxious feeling I get go away.

It is 12:30 PM by the time I have everything ready, so I head towards the door grabbing my bag and keys.

As I'm locking up my front door I hear Alex's garage opening up.

Every Saturday I see him get home around the same time I leave my house. I don't think he's aware that I see him every time though.

Today I'm feeling a bit curious. If I'm being honest, I just really want to know where the hell it is that he goes to so early in the morning, cause I'm pretty sure I hear his garage open at 8:00 AM too and it always wakes me up. The little shit.

I quietly approach him and stand near his garage making sure he doesn't notice me before I speak.

"So where is it that you go to so early Saturday mornings?" I ask and since he didn't see me before, he jumps and quickly spins around with an alarmed face. Adorable.

"God damn it, Scarlett! You scared me!" He hisses at me holding his hand to his chest.

I just laugh at how easy it is to scare him.

"It's not funny." He grumbles, just like he always does.

"Yeah, yeah. So are you gonna answer my question or what?"

"I don't see how it's any of your business." Wow. Rude.

"Well, it has become my business because every time you open that garage at eight in the morning, I get woken up." I tell him crossing my arms.

"Well, it's not my fault that you're a light sleeper." He fires back. I'm sensing some attitude in his tone and I don't like it. This boy is really getting on my nerves right now.

"You are such a mean guy, you know that?"

"Ha! You're one to talk. Aren't you the one who's considered the meanest girl in school?" Well damn, he got me there.

"We're not talking about me right now." Jeez this guy. I was just making a simple question. What is he being so secretive about- wait a minute, oh, I know what this is about. "Oh my God, I totally know what you're up to."

"Oh yeah? And what might that be?" He asks with fake curiosity in his voice, placing the bike he's carrying on a spot in his garage.

"You go off to see that little girlfriend of yours don't you?" This makes him stop what he's doing and turn to me in confusion.

"What are you talking about?"

"Oh c'mon." I say rolling my eyes. "That girl that's always at your house. The one that's always slapping the ground when she walks. I swear it's like she's killing cockroaches with every step she takes. I hear her every time she comes over all the way from my room. Anywho, I bet that's who you go meet up with. What? Do you go to her house and give her a morning kiss every Saturday?" I question him in a teasing voice.

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